Chapter 15: A different kind of training

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|Hey everybody, I'm back from the dead. Let me start off by saying I'm sooooooooooo sorry for taking this long to release another chapter. I'm in my final year of highschool and it's literally draining me of every ounce of energy. I'm going to try and write as fast and as good as I possibly can so sorry if this chapter is a little crappy. But nonetheless I hope you enjoy this chapter, and don't forget, "Stay Weird|

I was completely confused right now, I got off of him and threw the sword away, 'My apologies Serena but even though the banquet is going to be official and well-guarded there is always the possibility that someone might make a move to assassinate you, so I needed to test your fighting skills and how far you would go to fight for your life'. 'And the only way to see that was for you to attack me the minute I stepped into the room?', he chuckled and I helping him up. 'You should chill out a little you know? 'The banquette is in a little over a week, we still have time'.  'I'm sorry Serena, but it's exactly why I can't 'chill out' right now. 'I'm very grateful for your help princess, I don't think I would be as calm as I am right now if I had to do it all on my own'. 'No problem Glitch', 'Well than, we should begin another training". 'Oh Glitch please, more fighting lessons?'. Not exactly Serena, seeing as Goodfellow raised you I don't think he taught you to dance in formal clothing', 'Oh don't tell I'm going to learn how to dance in a dress that's way too tight and in heels that are way too high?'. 'Sorry little sister, but I don't think the heels are you're worst problem right now', I turned around and saw Keirran standing there holding a dress that looked similar to the one Puck had given me when we first arrived and heels that looked way too high to be comfortable. The dress was poofy, pink and floor length, 'If you think I'm going to wear that monstrosity you're thinking wrong buddy', he chuckled and came inside. 'I was ordered to come and train with you by Glitch and if you know this guy you know you don't go against his word', it was true though, but just looking at that god awful dress made me want to puke. I looked at Glitch, 'Glitch if you even think I'm going to wear one of those monstrosities to the banquette I'll lock myself in my room until it's all over'. Glitch chuckled a little, 'Don't worry princess, I can assure you your dress won't be anything like that but you need to train with the most difficult dress and shoes so that with your dress it will be easier'. I gave a big sigh and walked up to Keirran, snatched the dress and shoes out of his hands and went to another room to change. As soon as I had the dress on and managed to squeeze into the shoes I tried to find a mirror to see the horror, these shoes were difficult enough to walk on so I couldn't even begin to imagine dancing in them. I had found a mirror on the way back and I immediately cringed at my own image, 'You've got to be kidding me', I said to the girl in the big dress. It was to the floor and I just didn't step hem of the dress but I was worrying about dancing in this thing, it had a soft pink color and had more ruffles than I could count on my fingers and toes together. I went back to the training room but didn't see either Glitch nor Keirran, I looked around and went back into the hall when I met Siegrein again. 'Excuse me sir Siegrein but have you seen lieutenant Glitch and my brother prince Keirran', 'Yes they send me to try and find you so I could lead you to the ballroom'. 'Very well, but I'm dreading this already', he chuckled and lead me through a few hallways until we came in a big room that had the perfect mixture of the modernity of the Iron Court and the grace and elegance of the Summer Court. It had multiple floor length mirrors on the walls, a beautiful big chandelier in the middle of the ceiling and a few smaller ones scattered around, it was big enough for at least 10 small dining tables and there would still me more than enough room to dance. I entered and saw Glitch and Keirran standing there, the moment they saw me they both got a quite shocked look on their faces, Glitch kept his posture but Keirran just burst out laughing. 'Oh Serena you look ...', 'Just one word and I'm going to ask Glitch if I can train with you as my punching bag', he just raised his hands, 'I was going to say you look just precious', he said with a mocking grin. I shot him my most deadly glare and gave a sigh, 'Alright, let's get this over with, but Glitch I swear if you're planning on putting me in one of these at the banquette I'm just going to skip it'. Glitch chuckled, 'I wouldn't dream of it Serena, even though you look beautiful in that dress, 'Oh please, not you too, let's just start already so I can get out of this dress as fast as possible. 'Very well, I'll teach you the basics and then you'll just have to let the music guide you', the steps weren't that hard to do, the tricky thing was to not step on Keirran's feet or step on the hem of my own dress. After a couple hours I was completely beat and my feet were killing me, the heels might have hurt when I stepped on Keirran's feet but they hurt me more, 'Okay I think you have trained enough for today, good job Serena'. 'And what about me? 'I helped and my feet did suffer too', Keirran said with a pout, 'Well it is a given you teach her to dance, since you have to open the banquette with a dance', 'We have to what?', I asked surprised. 'It's tradition that the prince and princess open the banquette with a duet, I thought I'd mentioned this before, 'Yes but I thought Keirran was just joking, but seeing as this is a tradition I guess I'll have to go with it'. I wobbled back to my room to change out of this dress, the moment I got to take the heels off I was so relieved and when the dress came off it was even better, it had a corset in it and I finally felt like could breathe again. After another very awkward dinner with Keirran, Megan and Ash I went to Glitch his office to arrange the final details of the banquette and try and figure out a few things for the Coming of age feast.

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