Chapter 1 The New Guy

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These are the cast members I chose for my story, Phoebe Tonkin as Serena, young Orlando bloom as Blake and Oliver Phelps as Puck

'Come on sleepyhead get up, it's 6:30, time for your lessons', Puck said shaking me to wake me up, 'I don't want to, leave me alone, let me sleep in peace', I said in a really grumpy way, I only had 5 hours of sleep because he needed a demonstration of the progress in my own magic, and after 4 hours he was finally satisfied with the result. I didn't just need to learn my lessons for magic but also for school, the year I turned 12 I begged for my adoptive mother to go to school, it was the only way I could be a little bit normal but some days I wished I had never asked her that. My mornings were really early and my nights could get really late, but it was all worth it, I did have to promise her I wouldn't attract too much attention. I lay low but still guys were trying to get close to me, only being deceived by my appearances, but no guy would be okay with what I am so I never got close to anyone. Puck always made me practice my magic just at sunrise, we would go into the open field behind my house and he would make me summon animals, make flowerpots bloom, make dead flowers full of live again, all for my summer magic. For my winter magic I froze flowers, made little puddles frozen solid, made snow appear from nowhere and even made ice get the shape I want. Learning how to bend metal to what I want, make wings out of metal and feel the metal around me is for the training of my metal magic. 'Oh come on Puck, how many times do I have to do this? Can't you teach me something new, like how to make a double out of twigs, or something like that?', 'Sorry princess, that's a little too advanced for you, maybe in  a couple of weeks, or when you finally don't need to concentrate that hard to make a flower bloom', 'Well that is because I try to do it perfect so you would teach me something more advanced', I said pouting. 'Okay but I expect from you to show me you can do it in 2 weeks', he said with a smirk, 'Another test? Oh come on Puck can't you just let me learn it in my own time? I still have school you know. That reminds me, how is it that you can pass school without having to learn anything?', I asked a bit bitter, I know I asked for being able to go to school but it was so not fare that Puck went to school and didn't do a single thing and still had good grades. He hated the idea of having to go to school again. He already went to school with my mother to protect her, so when I wanted to go to school he had to too. 'Well if you have lived as long as I have you don't need to study anymore, unlike you. 'So I'll explain it to you as fast and as good as I can. Okay here are some twigs, hold them and feel the pulse of the earth around you, can you feel it?', he had given me the twigs, I closed my eyes and felt the glamour all around me, the full and bright colors, the life of the earth itself and gathered it in to my body. 'Okay now picture the magic slowly gathering in the twigs, not too much but just enough. 'Imagine the twigs getting a form, your form. 'Good just a little bit more magic in the twigs', he went on. I gathered just enough magic to feel the twigs change, 'Good keep it up like that, now throw the twigs in the air', I did as he said and threw them in the air. I opened my eyes and before me stood a girl that looked exactly like me, but then the true me with the big eyes, the pointy ears and the pointy face. 'Okay I did not expect you to get the hang of this so soon, I guess you really were ready for this', he said smiling, I was so happy I could finally show him what I was capable of. 'Hey you better get ready for school, you don't want to be late', 'Okay, I'm going to go get ready for school, meet me in the car in 10', I went back to the house and got ready, when I got downstairs my mother had some of my favorite muffins ready for me. I grabbed a double chocolate muffin, gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and took my bag. I went to the car and saw Puck was heading the way for the bus stop, 'Oh come on Puck, I have got my driver's license for what, a year now? And you are still not letting me drive?', 'Don't forget princess, I saw you drive the other day, I'd rather get into a group of redcaps than be in a car that you're driving', 'Oh don't be so melodramatic, I got my driver's license and I even driven the car several times, come on I want to drive'. I said with my puppydog-eyes, he looked at me and I saw in his look I was winning, he made his way to the car and I took my seat. The ride to school went really smoothly and when I parked Icould see the relieve in Puck's eyes. 'Okay that went better than I thought, but a car is still a little metal matchbox for me', 'Maybe you need to trust me a bit more', I said with a pleased tone, he smirked at me and I gave him a slight punch on the shoulder. We got into the school and we got to our lockers, I was putting in the combination when a familiar guy put his hand on my locker so I couldn't open it, 'So Serena, you haven't called me back yet', Jacob said staring at me, he was one of the most persistent guys I had ever met, I had to admit he was really handsome. He had short dark brown hair, a light skin, beautiful brown eyes, full lips and great body structure, but he would never be able to compare to the men from my world. 'Jacob I told you, I'm too busy with school and dancing and karate and all the other stuff to date', 'Oh come on Serena, I'm begging here, just go on one date with me. If you really hate it then I'll leave you alone, but just give me a chance', he said almost begging, I sighed and put one hand on his shoulder, 'Jacob just give up already, you know I'm moving soon, it could be tomorrow, it could be in two months.' And I'm not going to date someone to only say goodbye to him the next day', he gave me a disappointed look, I got my books out of my locker and went to my classroom when another guy came in and put his arm around my shoulder, 'Hey Serena, don't listen to that guy, he's such a flirt, he's not serious with you, you didn't say yes to a date right?', Luke whispered in my ear, I gave him an elbow in his stomach, 'What's up Luke? And no I didn't say yes, I'm just not in for a relationship right now', I said not completely lying. We went to our science-class , I sat down on my usual seat when a guy I didn't recognize came into the classroom, he had short black hair, bright blue eyes, a little tanned skin and great body structure. 'Class we have a new student in our school, everybody say hi to Blake'.

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