Chapter 9 Bargain and Berserk

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|Oh guys I just can't believe it !!!!!! 200 reads???!!!! I love you guys if you've been waiting for this next chapter. I'm really sorry if you had to wait long for this chapter but I have been so busy with school and my family but I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter. And now it's finally summer break so now I've got time to write. BTW sorry if this is a short chapter, I'm quite bussy withmy job right now|

'My lady I would really appreciate it if you could keep it a secret that I'm alive', 'My dear you don't have to have any fear of your secret getting out, I only figured it out because of the magic you were radiating when you played the violin. 'You really are talented, sure you don't want to stay here until your mother and father come for you?'. 'Wait, how do you know all these things? 'It was only shared with the Iron queen, the Queen's consort, Puck , Glitch and me, no one else knew about it and we told the rest of the Nevernever she was killed in the night'. 'My dear prince I never believed those rumors you told, I just made up my own little theory and today it has been confirmed', she took a draft of her cigarette and blew out a blue rabbit out of smoke. 'I do want one thing for keeping your secret', there it was, a bargain, 'Please my lady, if it is in my reach I will try it', 'I need for you to do a little errand for me', I was curious for what she could ask for me to get, she mostly had her pets do it for her. 'Ask me and I'll try my best', 'Something of mine has been misplaced and I want it back', 'Could you tell us what this something is?', Keirran added. 'It's a few tokens and documents from my collection', 'Lea I thought you never lost anything', someone in the door opening said, when I looked to see who it was my heart skipped a beat, how did Puck find this quickly? 'Don't be silly, I never lost it, it was taken from me, that's a whole different story', Leanansidhe said almost offended. 'Puck how did you know we would be here?', I asked confused, 'Princess did you really think you could fool the trickster? 'Please you've been with me for 15 years and you still didn't know that? 'I'm hurt to hear that', he said in a mocking way with his hand over his heart. 'Well that's what I get from thinking I could hide anything from you, but how did you find us here?', 'Well I figured you couldn't go to the Nevernever without me and I admit I had a little help', 'From who?'. 'I think you mean whom', another voice said, however I couldn't see where the voice was coming from, and then out of nothing there was a gray cat with big yellow eyes on the couch, was he there before? 'I recon you must be Grimalkin', 'So you've heard of me, have you child?', 'Yes, the one who lead my mother to Oberon and does nothing without gaining something out of it'. 'Well close enough I suppose', then someone clapped their hands taking the attention, I saw it was Leanansidhe who clearly was bored with this, 'Pets let's go back to our bargain here', 'Serena don't tell me you made a bargain with her?'. 'Puck she agreed to keep my secret if I do a little job for her', 'And she knows about you? 'That's it I'm never leaving you alone again', 'Oh please as if you could', I turned to Leanansidhe but I could feel Puck's glare burning the back of my head. 'So where can I find this something I need to bring back?', 'Well my pets have seen it last in the Winter Court', 'What? 'How did it get there?', 'You know as much as I do my dear, I just know that right now it's in the Unseelie court. 'Oh did you know that here is a is a new princess in the Winter court?'. 'Wait what? 'Why do I not know about this? 'Puck!', he shrugged his shoulders, 'Sorry princess I didn't feel the need you had to know', 'Well it's a bit late for that, so tell me what's the deal with her?', 'Well all I know is that she's younger than you and she's called Cristal'. Cristal, that sounded interesting, I was somewhat curious about her, 'But wait, Keirran can't enter the Winter realm without permission, neither can I or Puck', 'Well dear that's not my problem to deal with, I just want back what is mine'. 'Well could you at least give us an exact location?', 'I may know someone who can, minions', she clapped her hands again and I heard the pattering sound again and there was Hooknose, 'Yes my lady, what can I do for you?', 'Would you be a dear and find the little pets from the Winter court for me', 'Yes miss', and he was gone again. Not 5 minutes later there were three winter sidhe in the room, they all looked like each other, they had long black hair and a light blue skin, the only difference between them was that they had different eye colors. One had ice blue eyes, one bright silver and the last one had ice green eyes, they all made a little bow, 'Yes my lady, you summoned us', 'Would you girls be good little pets and show our guests where you last saw my belongings', 'Yes my lady, come with us'. We gave a little bow and followed the winter sidhe to the basement and we were standing in front of a door, 'Okay this is a passage to the Wyldwood, when you go West just go on to the palace', 'Wait what? 'Why the palace', 'Okay spill it, where exactly are the belongings?', Puck asked losing his patience. 'Uhm maybe in Mab's personal garden', 'In her personal garden? 'You've got to be kidding me, I thought we could pass through the Winter court without Mab knowing. 'How on earth are we going to let Mab or anyone else invite us into the Winter realm, let alone in the palace?', 'I might know how', Keirran said surprising me, 'Well then tell me', 'You might not like this idea very much though'. I did not like the sound of this already, 'Keirran almost anything sounds good right now, just tell me', 'We can go to the Iron court and you can claim your place as the Iron princess', 'Are you insane?! 'How are we going to explain everything? 'How are you going to tell mother and father that you came to collect me before they came for me?'. 'I'll figure something out, don't worry, or do you have a better plan?', I didn't have anything else and it was quite a good plan but also a crazy plan, 'Well let's go before I change my mind', we went through the door and hoped for the best.

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