Chapter 16: Dressed by a Spider

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|Oooh myyyy gooooood!!!!! Guys are you kidding me? 1.800 reads? I absolutely love you all. I am so sorry it took me this long to write a new chapter but with my graduation (hey I'm a college student now :D ) and a very stupid writer's block it's finally done. Sorry if it's a little crappy but it is a chapter that I think should be in the book and it gave me the opportunity to give you guys a new character. I chose Demi Moore as Lady Weaver, the people who have read Julie Kagawa's "Iron Fey series" know Lady Weaver as a beautiful, pale, black eyed fey with spiderlike fingers and I could just see Demi Moore fit the profile (not as she is right now but if she would get those qualities, you know what I mean) . I hope the chapter isn't completely a bore and remember: Stay weird!|

Just two days before the big banquet Glitch surprisedme at breakfast with something, 'Serena, if you could take a coat with you,we're going to the Wyldwood for arrangements for your dress'. 'That soundsgreat but why the Wyldwood?', 'Because the person that is going to make yourdress can't entre into our Court, so we're going to have to meet halfway'. 'Alright,I'll go take my coat and we'll be on our way', I quickly ate the rest, kissedKeirran, Meghan and Ash on the cheek and made my way to my room. I chose a simpleblack and silver cloak with my black outfit, I went into the great hall andGlitch was already waiting for me, 'Ready my lady?', 'Yes, lead the way Lieutenant'.We went into a carriage-like thing that lead us deep into our part of theWyldwood until we saw the woods as woods and not part iron, there was a bigsilver colored tent set up, probably for us. 'So who is this person? 'It mustbe someone important from the Summer Court, seeing as they hate us less thanthe Winter Court', Glitch chuckled for the first time in a while. 'You arequite right princess, this person is a quite good friend of your mother andhonored us by making both the dress for the banquette and the Coming of Agefeast'. 'Well then I will be honored to meet them', we entered the tent andimmediately I was quite intimidated by the figure standing in the center of thetent. A willowy woman with pure white skin and long raven black hair wasstanding there, accompanied by a couple of satyr girls, her eyes were as blackas the night and she had long, thin, spiderlike fingers. 'So this is the girlI'm to clothe? 'I must say I'm not as disappointed with her as I was with hermother the first time I saw her', I didn't know her but she had the same beautifulbut dangerous aura as with Leanansidhe. 'Good day child, I am Lady Weaver, theroyal designer of the Seelie Court, I made the dress for your mother for herfirst Elysium and your mother requested me to make your gowns for bothoccasions'. I gave her a little courtesy, 'The honor is all mine my Lady, Ileave all the arrangements in your hands. 'I only have two requests for both mydresses, I ask you to not have the dresses corseted and that it is not tooruffled in the skirt'. She giggled which gave just gave me shivers, 'You may bea perfect resemblance to your father but your spirit is just like that of yourmother, now then, let me think for a little so I can design something for you,the girls will have you relax for a little so I can work my magic'. The twogirls bowed to me and took me to the back of the tent, 'Princess, I'll betaking my leave, I'll be back for you in a few hours', Glitch said just loudenough for me to hear. The satyr girls gave me an amazing treatment, theywashed my hair, gave several facemasks and treated both my hands and feet, thatwas when I was given the signal I could go to Lady Weaver again. She haddesigned both dresses based on her image of the festivities and my smallrequests, she told me to stand still with my arms out. She took measurements andstarted to apply the fabric as I was standing there, her long spiderlikefingers did make me tingle all over because it felt like a swarm of spiders wascrawling all over my body, 'This one is done, it's based off of the first dressI made for your mother, but as you are a representative for the Iron court Imodernized it a tad'. She had a floor length mirror for me to look at and thedress was absolutely amazing, the fabric felt lighter and softer than satin, thetop part was wrap-around style with asymmetric off-shoulder sleeves. The bottompart was in godet style and floor length, the color was absolutely beautiful,from the top to the bottom it was a metallic silver that darkened in shade. 'MyLady it's stunning, I love it, I really do', 'I'm glad, and I have a pair ofshoes and some jewelry that you can wear with both dresses, come child'. Shegot me beautiful white colored satin heels with silver leaves and branchescovering the heel and shoe, as for the jewelry, there was a necklace withmultiple chains that held little diamonds and in the center a seven-pointedstar. The diamonds had space between them making it look as if they were stars floatingon my skin, a pair of simple diamond earrings, and a beautiful hairpin in thesame seven pointed star shape. She helped me out of the dress and told me tostand still with my arms out like before, she spent ten minutes on measuringand thirty for the sewing and assembling the details. 'Well I have outdone myself,if may say so myself', she said admiring her work, I turned to the mirror againand the dress took my breath away. It was in two parts, the first part was theactual dress, it had a soft sweetheart neckline, floor length and completelylaced. The second part was what made it complete, it was multiple layers of silkthat slightly ruffled, all held up with a corset just at my ribcage. It was allin various shades of pearl and even though I had asked for it not to becorseted it didn't feel uncomfortable. 'Lady Weaver the dress is exquisite, Igive you my thanks for both dresses, thank you for coming out here and thankyou for my dresses and accessories', I bowed to her and she gave a littlecourtesy. 'It was honestly my pleasure child, now do take very good care of mydresses and I will see you again at the Coming of Age feast', 'Oh my Lady, doyou want the jewelry back after the feasts?'. 'Dear child, these pieces wereyours in the first place my dear. 'They were only brought here so I could makedesigns that would accentuate the jewels, but I wouldn't mind receiving amarvelous piece like that', she said looking almost enchanted by the jewels. Itdid give me an idea for a special thanks for Lady Weaver, she helped me out ofmy dress, and placed everything neatly in what looked like an old fashioned hatbox.I said goodbye to the sweet satyr girls and Lady Weaver and went back into thecarriage where Glitch was already waiting for me. 'Glitch, could I ask you fora favor?', 'Depends on what the favor is princess', 'I saw the way Lady Weaverwas looking at the jewelry that I was wearing with my dresses, as a personalthank you I would like to give her some original jewelry just for her'. He waslooking at the ground and I could see by the look on his face that he wasthinking, 'The only original pieces I know of belong to the crown jewels andmost of our jewelry is made out of metal'. 'Huh', I said thinking myself, 'Isit okay if I design something myself and let it be made in silver or gold?','That could work, she would no doubt like it but for now we have to get backand arrange the last details'. I nodded and we went on our way again, it wasalmost nighttime when we got back at the palace but I was just not feeling upfor another awkward dinner, 'Uhm Meghan, Ash, Kierran, is it alright if I eatdinner in my room, I'm exhausted by the trip and really just want to be aloneright now'. I could see the defeated look on both my parents' faces but it wasjust a bit too much, all the arrangements, the upcoming feasts, the very, very,very awkward silent dinners, I justwanted to be in my room. 'It's okay sweetheart, good night', I gave them all akiss on the cheek, asked the cook if he could make me something to eat with myhands and for it to be brought to my room, he made me multiple finger fooddishes and I just ate them listening to some music and I just went to bed.

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