Chapter 14: Training?

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Holy s*** ar eyou guys kidding me???!!!!!!!! 1K reads???!!! I love you guys so much, I just can't believe my story is such a succes. I apologize again for not updating in a really long time but my finals are coming up and you know teachers, they think "Now's the time to give them all the work they can't handle and give them absolutely no free time". -_- Well I just hope you guys like the new chapter, thanks so much and don't forget, stay weird ;)

I felt some voltage and it tingled, Glitch however looked shocked, 'What?', 'I'm so sorry princess', I didn't know what he meant until he pointed at the window and I looked at my reflection in the glass, my hair was all spiked up and fluffy as if I had put my fingers in a socket. The voltage didn't hurt at all and it gave a funny effect so I just couldn't help but burst into laughter, I think my laugher helped and he laughed just as hard as me, 'Oh this isn't real, so this is what happens when your voltage goes up?'. He was done laughing and wiped a tear from his eye, 'My apologies for laughing princess but this is the first time someone has ever reacted this way to my voltage, they mostly know about my powers and stay far away from me when I'm like this'. I giggled a little, 'I just felt like I had to do something to put you at ease, you're overworked and I feel like it's partially my fault', 'Whatever gave you that idea princess?'. He looked a bit worried and the sparks in his hair started to flicker again, 'Well I got us all into a situation when I returned to the Nevernever and you were given these tasks because of me'. He gave a light chuckle, 'It's my duty to do these kind of thing my princess, and I don't blame you at all, I would rather blame Prince Keirran and that summer jest', I giggled at the memory of Glitch literally throwing Puck out of the window just a few days ago. 'Well they were a big part in it but so was I, I wish to take responsibility and help you in arranging both the banquette and the coming of age celebration', he got a surprised look on his face but smiled. 'I would gladly take that offer princess, we'll be working together on both events', I nodded and stuck out my hand, at first he looked at it with doubt, 'Don't worry, you've calmed down so it won't be as strong now'. He gently took my hand and when he touched me there was a slight tingly feeling in my hand, we shook on it and he gave a light smile. 'Why can't prince Keirran take responsibility like you just once? 'He grew up a lot but he mostly is too rash at some times and doesn't think about what his actions might cause'. 'I might not know my brother as well as you do but I can see in his eyes that he has a big heart and is selfless', he gave a chuckle, 'Indeed he is, but don't be mistaken, he can be a ruthless fighter and warrior, you don't want to stand between him and his goal'. I believed him, we had organized quite some things, we had already decided on the buffet after some good debating, I wanted to do half of his work but there was one thing he didn't let me decide, he would be in charge with the dress I was to wear at the banquette. 'Alright I'll agree to you handling the arrangements for the dress on one condition', 'Of course princess, tell me', 'No corset, I've already worn one of the bloody things and I'd like to spend the day breathing'. He smiled and nodded his head, 'Very well princess, no corset', we spend the night arranging a lot of other things when he saw it was already 11 PM. 'Princess, you've done enough for today, I'll handle the rest, you go and have a good night's rest', 'Very well, good night Glitch', I put a hand on his shoulder but didn't feel any voltage this time. 'Uhm I'm going to bed now, good night Glitch', 'Sleep well princess', 'Oh and please call me Serena, princess sounds so formal', 'Very well Serena'. I went to my room and prepared myself to go to sleep, Glitch had told me our training would start again tomorrow and in the evening we would continue the arrangements. I got an amazing dream about being back home, together with my mom, Maya and the usual training with Puck, I didn't think I'd ever feel like this but I missed it all, the training, the early mornings, the late nights. But most of all, I missed the family I knew and loved, the lessons I got in my regular school, even the awkward flirting from Luke or Jacob, the guy that doesn't know the word no. I got woken up from my dream by an obnoxious knocking sound, I opened my eyes, yawned and sat up straight, 'Yes, what is it?', 'Princess, because you were a little late Lieutenant Glitch asked me to bring breakfast to your room and ask you to be ready in 1 hour'. I got out of bed and opened the door, there Siegrein was with a big tray with all sorts of foods, 'You have my thanks Siegrein, you may come in', he came in and put the tray on my desk, 'Glitch asked me to wait until you're ready so I can direct you to the training hall'. 'Oh okay, uhm is it really okay?', he nodded but I was hoping he would say no, I didn't like it at all to have someone watch me eat, let alone be in the other room when I take a bath and get dressed. I quickly finished my breakfast and got ready. I didn't take a bath this morning because I refused to with Siegrein in the other room, after changing in my regular clothes I followed him to the training hall, Glitch was already there and this time not in jeans, he had joggings and a tight shirt on as if he was really going to train. 'Uhm good morning Glitch, what's this all about?', he turned around but instead of greeting me he ran up to me and threw a punch, I dodged and rolled away from him, 'Glitch what the hell are you doing?'. There were a lot of training weapons in there and out of nowhere he just grabbed a sword and came at me, 'What are you going to do now Serena? 'Come on, arm yourself', he made a swing and I could just dodge it. I ran up to the first weapon near me which was a fighting stick, I just in time raised it so I could stop Glitch' swing with the sword. I threw him off of me and kicked him in the stomach, 'I have no idea what you're doing right now but could you please stop it!', he just got a vicious smile and threw a bolt of lightning my way. I called for my winter magic made a wall of ice to stop the lightning, this was the last straw, I completely lost it and out of my anger I made a spear of ice and threw it his way, he dodged it, rolled my way and pinned me to the wall. Somehow he had knocked the stick out of my hands and had his sword at my neck, 'So are you going to give up?', I just got more angry and determent to beat this guy, so I put my hand on the blade, pushed it away from me and kicked Glitch' feet from under him. When he was down I took the opportunity to take his sword, climb on top of him and put the blade at his throat, 'I have no idea what the hell that was all about but now it looks like I have the upper hand'. I thought he was going to make another move but instead he just started laughing, 'Goodfellow really trained you good, I didn't expect you to fight back once the blade was against your throat'.

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