Author's note of my long absence

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Hey guys, first of all thank you so, so, so much for almost 2,5 Thousand reads, I could never dream this story of mine would be liked to this extend. Now the reason for my (waaaaaaay too) long absence is first of all because I changed from University to a college and the change has taken quite some getting used to. But the biggest reason is that right before my exams my computer crashed with everything in it, and me being the clutz I am completely forgot to make a backup on the stories I was working on. I am now writing on the computer of one of my family members and it takes a little bit of adjusting. We are working on fixing my own laptop and I so hope it is going to turn out alright because I really don't want to lose all those stories I was working on. The reason why I am writing this right now is to let my followers know that I am still working on this story and of course to apologize for my long absence. So now you guys know, I am still going to try and update as much as I can, as fast as I can, and remember: Stay weird!!!!

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