Chapter 4 Memories

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And just like that I took off the disguise and I saw that Keirran did the same, one moment there was a handsome tall boy with short black hair and blue eyes in front of me and the next it was a gorgeous tall boy with waist-long blond hair, beautiful ice-blue eyes and those uncanny pointy ears and pointy face. If I would see him like that, I would reckon him between the age of 19 and 21. He was in one word mesmerizing, we stood there staring at each other for a few minutes, and finally I got to know what real beauty is, the beauty from my world. 'Wow, I always thought you would look like mother, but know that I see you, you could be the spitting image of our father, except for the one green eye, that is unmistakably from mother's side. 'I do wonder why you have the two colors though, because I don't have that', 'I wondered too, but oh well, it makes me me', he smiled and that smile was so bright it would melt any human's heart. Even though I could finally see Keirran's real form it felt so alien but at the same time so familiar, he stepped closer and pulled me closer, it was an awkward attempt of a hug but it still felt so strange. But something else happened, I smelled his odd smell again and I think some kind of memory got triggered, I was looking up to a woman with long blond hair and bright green eyes who kissed me on my forehead. Keirran what is the deal with your smell?', 'What's wrong with my smell?', he asked freaking out a bit. 'No not in an offending way but it's just so alien to me but something about it feels familiar', 'Well maybe it reminds you of our mother, they do say I kind of smell like a combination of mother and father'. 'Does mother have long blond hair and green eyes?', 'Yeah how did you know?', 'Because I think I just saw her in an old memory of mine', I said confused, 'How is it even possible?', 'Well it's just triggered by my smell, maybe if you smell again you can see what father looks like'. 'Keirran are you actually asking me to smell you?', 'I guess', he said a bit embarrassed, I took a little step closer but still kept my distance, I took a little whiff and smelled that sharpness that peppermint can have. It somehow triggered another memory and I could see a man with raven black hair and quicksilver eyes holding onto mother, 'Okay that is the weirdest thing yet, I could actually see father in a memory of mine'. Now that I saw this I wanted to know more, more about the reason why they got me here, how old I was exactly and when I was going back there, 'Keirran I know this might be an odd question, but why did mother and father send me to the mortal realm?'. 'Well don't freak out right away but the first day you were born there was an attempt for your life', 'Wait are you saying there was someone who wanted to kill me?'. 'Yes, if it wasn't for Puck you wouldn't have made it to 2 days', 'But why? I was just a baby what could I have done?', 'It's not like that, it's just that the people that know me know about the powers I possess and they feared with you mother and father could take over the whole Nevernever'. 'So the only resort they could think of was making me go to the mortal realm?', 'Yes, that was the only way of making sure you were safe, we all felt like we left you behind but it was for your own sake, they would've tried it again and maybe succeeded'. I somehow didn't want to hear this because it was too painful, it was like he was saying they weren't willing to fight for my safety so they could keep me, 'But how on earth did you manage to keep it a secret? I know that you can't tell lies'. 'Well we can't but we do twist the truth, I mean look at Puck who is also commonly named "The Trickster". 'All we did was show them our grief and say you weren't with us anymore . 'And to keep you safe they asked Puck to be your guardian and to keep you hidden until you're ready they put a seal on your powers', 'What?', 'It's not a complete seal, it's just so you can't create too much power so they would detect you would still be alive'. 'But how does this seal work? It never felt like I had a seal on me', 'That's because it's like your second nature, once your seal is gone you will be able to create an overwhelming amount of power, it's like the smallest emotion can trigger your magic. 'When you feel really angry it's possible that the whole room you're in could freeze in seconds, believe me been there, done that', I giggled about the thought this guy would ever get really angry.

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