Chapter 0.1

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A/N: Sadly I don't own DannyPhantom, all rights go to the original creator. I don't own the picture above and credit goes to the person who made it.

Dash's pov:

Most people think that just because I bully Danny Fenton is because I think he's a wimp...but it's not.

Ever since Danny started coming to Casper High...I've been having a really, really big crush on him. But I know I'll never muster up the guts to tell him. The only person I've trusted to tell about my crush on Danny is my friend Kwan, the only jock that doesn't judge me because I'm gay.

Even though I look like I just bully and pick on Danny for the fun of it, I do it so I can get as close as possible to him without having my secret being let out.

"Look Dash...your gonna have to tell him how you feel sooner or later. Right?" Kwan said, "I know...but I don't think I can handle it if he rejects me or even worse. . . thinks that i'm disgusting. Or..." Kwan cut off Dash and said, "I can tell you by how he acts, because trust me if he doesn't think Mansion is gross with her being a ultra-recyclo vegetarian. Than you can trust me he will NOT judge you for liking him or you being gay."

A/N: Hello my lovely yaoi/bl fan's if you liked the story so far, leave any suggestions and your take on this fanfic. But please no hateful comments PLEASE!! If you think I should continue the story or leave it like it is.
Also this is my first fanfic that I published EVER! so tell me if I could make improvements... but please be nice about it, also I am TERIBUL at writing soooo my grammar may be a little. . .  *crickets cherp*. . . ok a LOT bad. Also I will be taking requests so if you've got an OTP that y'all don't see let me know in the comments, also please vote😊

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