Chapter 1

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The Confession

Danny's pov:

I can't believe that i'm late again, I thought to myself. As I ran around the corner I ran into none other than Dash Baxter.

"S-sorry Danny", muttered Dash. I coulda swarn that I saw Dash blush a little bit. "It's okay, it's my fault Dash," I replied.

"D-danny c-c-can I talk to you p-privately?" Dash said stuttering. "Ok" was all I said.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"I asked wandering why he was blushing like crazy.

"N-not h-hear," said Dash as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the nearest janitors closet. And locked the door behind him.

"Why did you lock the door?" I asked a little scared.

Dash scratched the back of his neck and muttered, " so no one could disturb us,"

I started to freak out in my head, 'what did he mean by "so no one could disturb us" I won't lie I was a bit terrified at what he just said.

"What did you mean by "so no one could disturb us?" I asked with worry in my voice.

Next thing I know as I opened my eyes to see if he was going to beat me up again.

But when I opened one of my eyes, Dash was only an inch from my face blushing with his lips parted. Before I knew it Dash put his lips on mine and started to deepen the kiss.

As he nipped at my lower lip for entry. I parted my lips as to give him the ok, Dash slipped his tongue fighting for dominance.

But once I felt his hand lifting my shirt up, my eyes shot open in realization as to what he was doing. I pushed myself away from Dash, with my face as red as a tomato.

"D-dash w-w-why d-did you kiss me?" i asked trying to hide my face from Dash.

"Because that's how i feel a-about you," Dash said with a blush on his face.

"What d-do you mean?" I asked flustered. "I-i mean th-that I've had a crush on you seance you first came to Casper High. And the only reason that I've been shoving you in your locker is so I could hold you, without you finding out that I had a crush on you." said Dash with a flustered look on his face.

Before I could reply Dash said with a sad look on his face, "I know you p-probably think that I'm gross or disgusting or," before he could say anything else I cut him off and said, "why would you think that? Actually I'm glad that you told me that you have a crush on me."

Dash looked surprised when I said that. "Really! ya mean that!?" "I really do, mainly because I also have a crush on you." I say in a small squeak.

A/N:So how'd you like it so far??

Fangirls:We want the lomon!!!!!!!!!! *mob in the distance*

A/N:Oh no *hops in space ship* buy i'm off to mars!

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