Chapter 2

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                          The Truth

Dash's pov:

As me and Danny left the janitors closest I kissed my new boyfriend's lips and grabbed his hand as we walked to Mr.Lancers English class.

As I opened the door Danny hid behind me and held onto my arm like a little kid going to school for the first time.

"Finely you decided to grace us with your presence Mr.Fenton, Mr.Baxter. Once class is dismissed both you are to stay after class, is that understood?" said Mr.Lancer

Danny and I both replied with a depressed "yes's".


As the bell rang dismissing school for the day, me and Danny reluctantly walked up to Mr.Lancers desk at the front of the class room.

"Now take a seat gentlemen. Now WHY IN THE WORLD WERE YOU BOTH 30 MINUTES LATE TO MY CLASS!!" yelled Mr.Lancer

Danny looked terrified as he held on to my arm for dear life, so I answered by saying, "I ran into Danny in the hallway before class and I wanted to talk to him in private so we went in the janitors closest and just lost track of time. That's all."

"As that may be the both are going to have detention for being 30 minutes late to my class and going into the janitors closest without permission. Now I have just two questions for the both of you, first why were you two in the janitors closest, an second why is Danny holding onto your arm like his life depends on it?" Mr.Lancer asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well the answer to your second question is and Danny are dateing. Now your first question is a little harder to explain. . .ha-ha-ha. . .well to tell you the truth... the reason we were in the janitors closest was. . .well because um well that's where I t-told Danny how I feel about him."

The look on Mr.Lancer's face made him look like a deer in headlights. "Dash, Danny what made the two of you think that it was at all! okay to of all places to confess your feelings for Danny in none other than the janitors closest?" Mr.Lancer asked shaking his head in his hand.

To both my and Mr.Lancers surprise Danny answered Mr.Lancers last question, "it w-was be-because if we went into the bathroom someone may have seen or heard us. And it may be bad for Dash's reputation as quarter back on the football team, also i don't want anyone to call Dash names just because he is dating me."

"But i'm surprised that you of all people Dash would be a homosexual. Not that i have anything against homosexuals, it's just that i question that the two of you are going a little too fast. So if the two of you need any help of any kind just let me know and I'll help the best that I can." said Mr.Lancer put a hand on each of our shoulders and embarrassed us both by saying, "if i were the two of you I would make sure to keep a few condoms with the both of you at all times," in a tone that a parent would give there kid before going to a party with alcoholic drinks.


Still Dash's pov:

As me and Danny left the school I asked Danny if he wanted to go over to the Nasty Burger?

"Of course I would love to," Danny replied.

Sam's pov:

As Tucker and I sat at their normal booth at The Nasty Burger, when I sat down I seen Danny with Dash Baxter the bully.

"Tucker turn around and look at the back corner." Sam ordered

As Tucker looked back he saw Dash lean down and kiss Danny on the lips and than put his head on Dash's shoulder.

Dash's pov:

When me and Danny sat at a booth in the far back of The Nasty Burger I leaned down to Danny's level and kissed him passionately making Danny moan out a little bit. As we broke for air I looked down at Danny as he put his head on my shoulder. The next thing I see is one of Danny's friends Sam glareing at me, (if looks could kill I'd be ten feet under).

~Tucker's pov:

As i saw Danny geting kissed by Dash I heard a mone come from Danny. Sam sent Dash a death glare.

I'm wondering why is Dash kissing Danny like they're dating?

Dash's pov:

When I saw Sam stomping over to where we were sitting I started to mentally freak out. "Danny we need to go, right now!" i said frantically.

Danny looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes, "why do we have to go?"

"Your friends Sam and Tucker are here. They both saw us, now Sam is coming over here." I said

Danny looked a little terrified and he was shaking in fear.

Danny's pov:

I sank into Dash's arm while trembling. In fear as Sam and Tucker walked over to where Dash and I was sitting.

"Daniel Fenton!! Why did I just see Dash kissing you!?" Sam said in a angry tone.

"Um, Danny is there any thing that you should tell us?" Tucker asked in a worried voice.

Dash's pov:

I let out a exasperated si and said, "let's go outside and I'll tell you guys every thing"

As me, Danny, Sam, and Tucker walked outside to the back of The Nasty Burger, Danny looked around frantically to see if anyone was out side with us.

"Ok why did I see you kissing Danny?" Sam asked with her hands on her hips taping her foot.

As I rubbed the back of my neck nervously I said, "the reason you saw me kissing Danny was we' dating," I said the last part in a hushed voice.

"What did you just say!?" Sam said in a shocked/questioning voice.

Danny said from behind me,"me and Dash are dating, that's why you saw D-dash ki-kissing me."


3rd person pov:

Sam and Tucker had a look of bewilderment on their faces. Tucker was the first one to recover from the shock.

"What do you mean that the two of you are dating?" Tucker asked

"That is the most DISGUSTING THING I HAVE EVER HEARD!!" Sam said angrily.

Tucker looked at me and Danny with apologetic eyes and said, " I'm sorry that Sam lashed out like that. So how and when did you two start ya"


The question shocked me, but before I could answer Danny told Tucker everything that I didn't say when Sam was still here.


"Well um we started dating today. And Dash was the one that asked me out."


Dash's pov

"So Danny do you want to come over to my place to spend the night?" i asked.

Danny replied with a bright smile, "of course I'd love to."

Till next time:)

A/N: sorry me lovely's that it took me so long to post this, I've had writers block really bad.
And i love leaving cliffhangers ;)

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