Chapter 6

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Jack's pov:

I can't believe that Danny's gay. Only because I always thought he had a thing for that Sam girl. The only thing that makes me upset is that Danny will never go through the wonders of being a father, but what matters most is that Danny's happy and Dash treats him right.

I just really wish that Danny would have told me that he liked guy's, he should know I'm not prejudice against homosexuals; heck even Vlad was bisexual back in our collage days before the accident but never really paid any mind to it. I just wish Danny would tell me stuff like this.

I looked over at Danny and Dash when I herd them come back in and Dash was comforting Danny's look of worry. I sighed and looked back up at Danny and said, "Danny can we talk for a minute in the kitchen?" Danny looked worriedly at Dash as he got up and followed me into the other room.
I gestured for Danny to sit down in the chair across from me.

When I got up and walked around the table and got close to Danny he closed his eyes and got tense like he was getting ready to get hit. I can't believe my own son would think that I would hit him just because he likes another boy. Gently put my hand on Danny's shoulder and when Danny flinched I sigh and said, "Danny, Danny can you look at me."

When Danny hunched his shoulders more I sigh again and put my hand under his chin to lift his face to look at me. And when I see his eyes shut tight I said, "Danny can you open your eyes to look at me?" he slowly opened them and looked at me with tear filled eyes I let go of is chin, then I pulled him into a tight hug and said, "why didn't you tell me that you were gay. I would have supported you, you do know that righ? It doesn't matter who it is that you love whether it be male, female, or heck even ghost. I don't care just as long as you are happy and proud of who you are and who you love. Ok Danny? You can trust me with anything ok, anything you remember that ok Danny?"

As I started to feel Danny trembling from crying I started to rub his back whispering reassuring nothings in his ear. After a few minutes Danny slowly stopped crying and pulled away and looked at me with pleading eyes and said "did you really mean it about the whole ghost thing?" I was confused for a moment and than I looked at him curiously, "what do you mean?" "when you said 'It doesn't matter who it is that you love whether it be male, female, or heck even ghost.I don't care just as long as you are happy and proud of who you are and who you love,' did you mean it or were you just saying that"? I was thoughtful for a moment and said, "yes, yes I meant every single word of what I said. Is there something I should know because last time I looked that Dash boy looked 100% alive." Danny sighed dejectedly, "I knew you were gonna say that. Would you believe me if I said that not all ghosts were bad."

I knew that Danny wanted to tell me something and whether or not he told me would depend on how I answered his question. I sighed and looked at Danny and said, "I know that in the past I may not have been very positive towards ghosts but after the fact that; that Danny Phantom kid saved my life even after all the times I said that I would 'rip him apart molecule by molecule' he still saved me. I guess what I'm trying to say is if he would let me have the chance to apologize and thank him I would in hopes that he would forgive me for everything that I put him through."

Than as if getting hit by a truck Danny hugs me around the waist, "dad" "yes Danny" I look down to see Danny giving me one of the biggest smiles that I've seen ever seance he was a little kid, "lets just say that by you saying that you have already been forgiven." I look down at Danny then out of no where a ring of white light appears around Danny and splits one going up the other going down. Then I realise that I'm holding the ghost boy.


"Yes dad?"

"Your a ghost"

"Yes dad I'm a ghost"

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