Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or the photo above that right goes to Butch Hartman and said photos creator (sadly) now on with the story.

~~The next day at school~~~~~~~~~~

Danny's pov

As I walked down the hallway to my last period english class with Mr. Lancer the late bell rang groaning. "Just what I need a detention on the one day that I'm going on a date"

As I opened the door the eyes of the whole class including Mr. Lancer looked back at me. "Ah Mr. Fenton I'm glad you decide to grace us with your presence today. Please sit down in an empty seat, thank you. Now as I was saying our class has been chosen by our very kind and generous mayor to go on a sponsored field trip to the ghost zone."

When I hear the words 'ghost zone and class field trip' I groan and say
"ĉi tio ne okazas, ĉi tio ne povas okazi, kion faras tiu fruktoŝipo pensas, ke li faras? Ĉu provas akiri nin ĉiuj mortigitaj?" (translation from Esperanto: this is not happening, this cannot be happening, what does that fruit loop think he is doing? Is trying to get us all killed?)

When I heard something fall I looked up everyone was looking back at me, Tucker was face palming, Dash looked at me like I had three head's. "Mr. Fenton when did you learn to speak Esperanto?"

'Oh crap' "did I say that out loud?"

"Yes Mr. Fenton, yes you did."

~~~~~~~~~Earlier that day~~~~~~~~

Dash's pov:

" So. . . Dash how was the dinner with Danny's parents? You didn't do anything stupid did you?" asked Kwan.

Getting my football uniform out of my gym locker I sighed and looked at my life time friend and said, " the dinner its self was great. But after wards was when things went a little down hill. After we told Danny's parents that we were dating Danny's mom practically dragged us into the kitchen by our ears. And proceeded to give me the 3rd degree. After Danny's mom's ranting and raving his dad talked to Danny, and I still have no idea what they talked about. I only know to went well was because when Danny came out to the living room with a smile that could light up New York. Then I was called into the kitchen and was thoroughly warned that if I ever hurt Danny in any way shape or form, that no force on earth will save me from his wrath."

After I told Kwan about what happened he busted out in a fit of laughter. "What?! What's so funny?!"

When Kwan saw my face his laughter only got worse. "Sorr-hic-ry but -hic- your - hic- face is to -hic- funny!" after Kuan stopped laughing he got a sirius (if anyone gets the reference you get a virtual blue cookie. Ok I'm done now back to the story) look on his face. "So do you plan on taking Danny to prom or a you gonna be a wimp and play sick?"

I mock gasp, "who me?"

Kwan's pov:

When Dash gave a mock gasp and said, "who me?" I crossed my arms and gave Dash a 'ya duh' look. Dash just gave me a puppy pout face and not even a full one minute later I cave and say, "fine...but you have to ask him sooner or later."

Unknown pov:

As I walked back into the boy's locker room the two star quarterbacks Dash and Kwan. I was about to announce that I was there before what Kwan says stops me in my tracks.

"So do you plan on taking Danny to prom or a you gonna be a wimp and play sick?" 'I cannot believe what I'm seeing is Kwan saying that Dash Baxter is dating Danny Fenton? This is to good to pass up.' I pull out my phone and start recording what's going on.

Kwan crossed his arms and gave Dash a 'ya duh' look after Dash said "who me?" and Dash just gave Kwan a puppy pout face in response and not even a full one minute later Kwa caved in and said, "fine...but you have to ask him sooner or later."

As I turned off my phone getting enough black mail martial for now I turned and left the locker room silently planning to corner Dash  tomorrow after school alone. . .


A/N: Sorry about the lack of chapter updates hopefully after this short chapter I can get a schedule going, how does at least two a month sound? Let me know in the comments and if you want more sooner just let me know and I will try my best.

Happy holidays and stay safe😉

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