Chapter 3

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The Sleep Over

Danny's pov

As we walked to Dash's house I'll be honest I was pretty scared at what was gonna happen. What if a ghost attacks? What if Dash finds out that i'm phantom? What if Dash thinks i'm a freek or won't like me anymore?

Before i could mentally freak out any more Dash stoped me from running into a telephone pole and asked me, "are you ok Danny you've been spaced out lately. You can tell me anything,"

I sighed and said, "I'm just nervous about meeting your parents, also when we get to your house could i talk to you p-privately?"

Dash looked at me and said, "you have NOTHING to worry about, my parents are cool that i'm dating a guy.

Trust me the only thing you have to worry about is me parents asking if we had 'done it yet', and probably my dad will give me 'the talk' like the one he gave my sister's boyfriend.

Also keep an eye out for my younger sister, she will be the most likely to give you the full interrogation about who confessed to who, how did you react, and again wether or not we had 'done it', also she can sometimes act like a little detective and find anything and everything she can possibly find about someone. So ya at times she can even find out what you had for dinner last night."

As we arrived at Dash's house he fished for his keys in his pocket. Once he got the door unlocked, a small but fast blurr tackled Dash to the floor.

When Dash regained his composer he introduced me to his mom,dad, and little sister.

Dash's dad was the first to speak, "so your Danny. I wondered when I would get to meet you, because from what Dash has told me than he thinks that your the cutest person since he first seen his baby sister-"

Dash elbowed his dad, yelling, "why would you say that!?"

"Oh...maybe because it's fun to embarrass you, especially in front of your 'boyfriend' *cue the embarrassing baby voice and mocking kissy faces* and because it's my job." Dash's dad laughed historically

Before Dash's sister could embarrass him. They went upstairs to Dash's bedroom.

"Sorry about that, my parents and sis would not stop teasing me being the 'big tough jock' that i am and me getting a boyfriend and me being gay. I mean they were okay with me being gay but...they so far have not let me live this down." Dash sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

Dash's pov

As me and Danny sat on the edge of my bed i could tell something was bothering Danny so i asked, "is their something the matter because you know that you can tell me right?"

Danny's pov

When Dash said that he knew that something was wrong with me i tried not to look him in the face. But i had no idea what lead me to say, "i have something to tell you...well it's more like show you but..."

Dash gently put a hand on my leg and looked me in the eye and said, "you know you can tell me what ever it is, you know that i won't judge Of course unless you say that your Danny Phantom than i would just pass out from the excitement, but your not Danny Phantom...right?" Dash said the last part in more of a question than a statement.

I just looked down at my feet like they were suddenly so interesting. Than i heard a loud gasp come from Dash following by, " are you serious your Danny Phantom?!?! As in THE DANNY PHANTOM!!"

I looked up at Dash. And when I go to stand up I start to feel a tugging sensation in my stomach, than I see a white ring split one going up the other going down.

Than i heard a gasp of realization come from Dash as he said, "so that's why you're sister gave me all of that stuff!" I look at Dash with a terrified look on my face. "W-w-what do y-you mean by all that stuff?"

Dash got up and went to his closest and pulled out a wooden truck and a lock on it. Dash just chuckled after he opened the trunk. I walked up behind Dash and looked over his shoulder, my face blushing as green as my toxic green eyes(he's still in ghost form) in the trunk were green furry hand cuffs, vibrators, a couple different collars, and a bunch of perverted outfits.

I than run to hide on the other side of Dash's bed and manage to say, "why do you have that type of stuff?!" but my voice came out as more of a question than a statement.

A/N: Sorry! Please don't kill me for da cliffie!!

~invisable-girl21~Why!! I was excited for that. Just nope denied!

A/N:Because I can!!

A/N: But don't worry...the next chapter will be nothing but smut!!!😁😁

~invisable-girl21. It better not be another cliffe i might just jump a cliffe.

A/N: Please don't!!

Wait do you hear that?!

~invisable-girl21. Yes! What is that?

Fangirl mob: WE WANT SMUT!! WE WANT SMUT, GIVE US SMUT!!!!!!!!!
*Mob rus runs after you with pitchforks and torches*

A/N: I think we better run, like NOW!!!!!!!

~invisable-girl21. Ahead of you bestie.

A/N: Stop!! I come to give a piece offering...hear take invisable-girl21, sorry but...........all's fair war and fangirl *throws invisable-girl21 to the mob of fangirls*

~invisable-girl21. I knew my life was a horrible joke hahah.

A/N: nothing is wrong with you, I'm just trying to live long enough to write the next chappie!! HAHAHA!!!😈😈😈😋😋

~invisable-girl21 l. You better! Ir ill haunt you forever. I know where you live lol.

A/N: Oh no😨😨
Welp till next time I shall try to get the next chappie out as fast as possible. BYE!!!😋😋

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