Chapter 5

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DISCLAIMER: I (sadly) do not own DannyPhantom, nor did I make the picture up above.



Maddie's pov

When Jazz told me that Danny got a new friend I just had to meet them...what I was not expecting was Dash Baxter Danny's school bully seance the seventh grade. Nor was I expecting Danny to invite Dash's family as well.

Although all throughout dinner I'd sometimes catch ether Danny's hand on Dash's leg or vice versa. My motherly instincts start to take over, so when I see that everyone has finished eating we all go out to the living room, when both Danny and Dash had something to tell me and Jack.....


Danny's pov:

'Ok Fenton calm down they're only your parents it's not like they're gonna go completely insane and flip out. Right? Ok dad not likely, but mom....oh all hell is gonna brake luce!'

"Ok mom, dad I need to tell you both something.....but first I need you both to promise to not freak out." I said looking both my mom and dad straight in the eyes.

Mom and dad looked at each other with worried faces, "Danny is something going on that we should know about?" mom asked in a concerned voice.

I looked over at Dash for some help, when Dash just gave me a short nod. I sighed and summed up all of my courage, all in one breath I said; "mom dad me and Dash are dating and weboth want your blessing really really badly so PLEASE don't be to mad!" As I finished my ranting I snapped my eyes shut tight, that was until Dash nudged me with his elbow and gestured to my parents when I opened one eye.

The facial expressions on my parents faces were both completely different, my dad looked confused at my mom. But my mom looked worried and angry, "may I borrow my son and Dash for a moment in private?" and without waiting for an answer she grabbed both mine and Dash's arm and dragged us to the kitchen.


My mom started counting,


"Well see,"


"What I was saying...was"


Dash cut me off before I could say anything, "look Mrs.Fenton what Danny was trying to say was, that me and Danny are dating and we both want your blessings. And please before you go and say that there's no way that you're gonna let me date your son, let me just say that I know me and Danny have had a bumpy past relationship, or lack thereof, but I have apologized and Danny has let bygones be bygones. So please don't stand in the way of what me and Danny have for a relationship, because to be honest it took me three years to gain the courage to even think of asking Danny out. So....ya please don't make me put three years of psyching myself up and hearing Kwan telling me to man-up and just ask Danny out to waste." Dash said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck blushing.

Maddie's pov:

I sighed and asked, "Danny is this true?" Than Danny looked at me with hopeful eyes and nodded vigorously and said, "ya it is. Although I had no idea it took Dash three years to get the guts to ask me out. It only thought that Dash has had a crush on me for a few months not three years!"

After a few minutes of Danny's puppy dog eyes I finally give in, " fine I give you my blessing to date my son," but before Danny or Dash could get to happy I cut in, "but if you break my son's heart, hurt his feelings, or betray him in any way shape or form I will personally hunt you down and make you wish you were never born, are we clear?"

Dash looked at me now terrified, "yes ma'am we're clear so very very clear."

I began to think 'yes Dash be afraid be very afraid', but all I did was pat Dash on the back and said "good, as long as we have come to an understanding all will be right."


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