Chapter 4

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The sleep over
Part 2

A/N:Sorry to all of my lovely readers out there for not updating sooner. But with all this STUPID standardized testing(TNREADY) I've been soooo bizzy studying I haven't had ANY time to work on this lovely work of art I call fan fiction😁 It's all over *finely party time!!🎉🎉 -random part cannon-*
Welp without further ado the next chapter

Dash's pov

When Danny saw what was in my trunk that I pulled out of my closet, the look on Danny's face was a mix of fear and worry.

"D-dash why do you have that stuff?" Danny asked. A deap blush found it's way on my face, " well I'm guessing that Tucker told your sister and, well last night she showed up at my window with this trunk and told me that I will need it very, very soon. But I didn't believe her till this afternoon."

"She told me that some of this stuff will cancel out ecto-energy but at the time I didn't know that you were Danny Phantom, but now it makes sense. I mean green furry hand cuffs that cancel out ecto-energy now I know why she gave these to me." (Dash looks at Danny with lust filled eyes)

~Danny's pov

After I turned back to my normal human look I sat next to Dash. "So...Dash are you really gonna use what Jazz gave you? " "Well that just depends on wether or not your into that type of stuff. I mean i'm not gonna make you if your not into stuff like that."

"I-it's just that I've never really thought of stuff like that and w-well it's just that I'm a bit nervous that's all." the last part came out as more of a squeak

Dash's pov

As I slowly crawled behind Danny on my bed, I wrapped my arms around Danny's waist and started to kiss the crook of Danny's neck, "D-da-dash what are you d-doing!?" Danny looked at me with wide eyes,  " don't worry Danny I'll be gentle" I cooed

I slowly pulled off my black tank top, almost like a strip tease. The blush on Danny's face got even redder(if that's even possible, or a word)

"Don't worry Danny I'm not gonna do anything....yet. I know you said you've never done this before so to night I'll just be getting you use to me doing stuff like this. But if you want me to stop I will, but you need to tell me, or I just might not stop"

"I-if you want to use wh-what Jazz gave you go ahead. It's just I-i'm a little nervous especially because I know it's gonna hurt a lot," Danny stuttered out with a blush.

"Well if you're sure..." "I am. But could you please take the cuffs of?"

I grind and said, "Sorry but no can do baby boy, at least not this time anyway"

Danny started studdering, "b-b-baby boy!"  I just roll my eyes and say, " of course your my baby boy, because you're younger than me-" Danny just looks at and whisper yells, "by only like two months!"

"Oh well, your still gonna be MY baby boy. So that means i'm your senpai!" as I said that Danny tried but failed at giving me one of his famous 'evil eye' stare, so he settled with maturely sticking his tung out at me.

"Fine, just don't call me 'baby boy' at school. I have a reputation to uphold," Danny said voice dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at that, "really and what reputation is that?"

Danny's face flushed at my comment, I laughed at the priceless look on Danny's face. I said after a dramatic si, "I guess that I could not call you baby boy only when people are around at school, that sound good?"

The look of triumph on Danny's face was cut off by his phone ringing in his pants pocket. As Danny looked at the caller i.d he groaned, "it's my dad. Ya dad".

Danny's pov

"Danny my boy, Jazzy-pants told me and your mom that you got a new friend! and your mother were thinking it be a good idea to invite whomever it is over for dinner tonight, ha what do ya say?!"

I cannot believe that Jazz told them about Dash!

Dash leaned over and whispered in my ear, "what did your dad want that he sounded so happy about?"

I put my hand over the reserver and whisper back to Dash, "they want you over for dinner, but they don't know it's you." as I say this the color drained from Dash's face.

"I d-don't th-think that's a good idea so soon, I mean I'm not worried about your dad as I'm more terrified of your mother. I'm pretty sure she would kill me especially if you *gulp* told her about how I was before. PLEASE tell me that you haven't told your mother about what I did in the past, because I think that would be bad for my health."

I started to giggle*manly of course*   "I don't think she'd kill you...she'd just interrogate you and give you the shovel talk, just like no doubt Jazz is gonna give you. But if you get it from both at the same time...then you'll have to worry" I pat Dash's shoulder as start's to sulk like I just asked him what type of flowers he wants on his grave.

I looked at Dash with a pouty face that can even make Walker blush, "aww c'mon there not that bad."

At the look I gave Dash he finally caved with a si and said, "fine...but you have to promise to confiscate all of there ghost hunting weapons, and I mean ALL of them."

"Fine, your no fun" I said with a pout.

"Danny? Are you still there?"

Aw'crud I forgot about dad.

"Ya I'm still here,"

"So, are ya gonna bring that new friend of yours over for dinner?"

I look over at Dash for confirmation, and at that Dash nods at me.

"Ya dad I'll bring him over, I'll see you in twenty. By dad"

"By Dan'o!"

I put my phone back in my pocket after the line went dead. "Oh Dash, go and see if your parents and sister wants to join as well."

"Alright as long as you don't think your parents will mind." Dash looks at me with a doubtful eyes.

I jump off the bed and pretty much skip over to the door that leads to the hallway. "C'mon Dash!"

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Maddie's pov

When Jazz told me that Danny got a new friend I just had to meet them...what I was not expecting was Dash Baxter Danny's school bully seance the seventh grade. Nor was I expecting Danny to invite Dash's family as well.

Although all throughout dinner I'd sometimes catch ether Danny's hand on Dash's leg or vice versa. My motherly instincts start to take over, so when I see that everyone has finished eating we all go out to the living room, when both Danny and Dash had something to tell me and Jack.....


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