chapter 9

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Well on to the disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own the show Danny Phantom that right goes to Butch Hartman sadly. 😢

Now on to the story!

                      Into The Zone

Danny's pov:

As I walked home with my head downcast Tucker trying to cheer me up by giving me reassurances.

"Come on Danny it's not that bad. Yes Vlad set our class up in a fake contest to get an all expenses paid field trip into the ghost zone. And yes it's probably a trap to kill your dad and get your mom to like him. But look on the bright side" Tucker said cheerfully. I looked at Tucker with mock enthusiasm, " there's a bright side?!"

"Of course there's a bright side! With me, Dash, and your dad knowing your secret if something goes wrong and you need to make a quick get away one of us can cover for you. Isn't that great?!"

I sighed "yeah just peachy. Anyway what about my mom I mean Jazz knows and dad knows. Do you think I should just tell my mom about me being half ghost?"

Tucker stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder and sighed, "look Danny you told me how your mom took the whole you and Dash thing pretty well. So who's to say that she wouldn't take you being Phantom positively? And anyway you have me, your dad, Jazz, and Dash to back you up if you need it."

I looked up at Tucker and sighed; "I can't always rely on my friends, dad, sister, and boyfriend forever now can I?" Tucker hooked a finger under my chin to make me look him in the eye and said, "Daniel James Fenton the one thing that you should always remember is you can always; and I mean always can and should rely on is your family. Wether it be me, Dash, your dad, or Jazz. You will always have us backing you up. Because just remember we're family for life man never ever forget that promise me?" I smiled as I got pulled into a hug by Tucker and said, "your family for life".

~~~~~~~~Time skip to the next day~~~~~

Danny's pov




I looked over at my alarm clock and groaned, 5a.m. on a Saturday, it had to be a crime to be woken up so early.

Knock knock

Five seconds later

Knock knock

I groan, "come in". I see the head of my dad pop past the door jam asking of he could come in. Thinking something was wrong because dad has never looked both worried and serious at the same time before. I patted the spot on my bed next to me. "So dad, what's going on it looks like you've seen a ghost," dad chuckled at my attempt at a pun.

"I've been thinking," dad looked up at me. "How come when you told me about you being Phantom, you looked as if I was going to hit you or something. Did you really think that I would purposely hurt you just because your different?"

I sighed this was the conversation that I never wanted to have, "dad. . .I know that you would never hurt me for being different, but a half ghost? The very thing that you strive to hunt down, and I quote "rip apart molecule by molecule". I know the saying 'a father's love is unconditional' but for your only son to be a half ghost what you hate the most. Can you honestly tell me that if you didn't trust and love Danny Fenton that you would still acept Danny Phantom as part of me?"

Jack's pov

I know that Danny had a point about me not trusting Phantom at first. But to think that Danny, my own son would think that I would hurt him for being part ghost. I know that I might not understand it as quickly as I understood about Danny being gay, and it's something that'll take getting used to.

I looked at Danny's concerned face and sighed. "Danny I get this will take some time to get used to for me. But just like how I was proud that you told me and your mother about you being gay; I am proud that you could finally tell me about you being half ghost. Well the only part about you being gay that get's me a little bit disappointed is that I won't get any grandkids from you."

When I said the part about grandkids Danny started to laugh. "Well sorry to burst your bubble dad but unless we decide to adopt or you hound Jazz to become a mom your not gonna get any grandkids anytime soon dad. Well unless you count Ellie."

'Unless I count Ellie', who's Ellie?


"Yes dad?"

"Who's Ellie? And should I be worried?" I looked at Danny hopeing that Danny didn't say he or Jazz are parents.

Danny looked down at the ground and started rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well dad....the funny thing your old collage buddy is also a halfa like me. And he tried to make a clone of me so he could have the perfect son, and after a lot of fails he made Danni with an i. And after I saved Danni with the unperfected ecto-dejecto because she was un-stable on the molecular level. For awhile we called ourselves cousins, but after sometime we came to a father daughter type of relationship."

'Oh, that makes more sense'. Then it hit me, "Vlad's half ghost? I did not see that one coming."  I looked over at Danny when someone knocked on the door.

Danny's pov

I got up to answer the door to my bedroom, when I opened it and saw my boyfriend I smiled.

Someone cleared their throat behind me. I saw my dad smirking and said, "I'll just leave you two love birds alone for now. Have fun, but not to much fun". Dad said threateningly to Dash, but I could see the twinkling in my dads eye's and could tell he was just teasing my boyfriend. Dash gave a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. Dad started to chuckle and nudged Dash with his arm and said, "I'm just messing with you, smile a little." After dad left and Dash got his nerves back under control and gained a serious look to his face.

Dash walks us over to my bed and pulls me into his lap and asked. "So what are we going to do about Monday? Are we going to walk into the school holding hands? Or are we going to act like we used to? Because I would personally love the first option."

I look up at Dash thinking it over in my head and weighting the possible outcomes, both the positive and the negative. A long sigh escapes my mouth. "Dash, we both know how much that I would love to come out to the whole school, but, I don't want you to get hurt. Me, I can handle the name calling, the taunts, and the bullying as a whole. But you. . .I can just see the gossip headlines now, "Star quarterback Dash Baxter is gay for Danny Fenton!" Dash. . .I couldn't live with myself if you got seriously hurt. I don't want you to loose your friends or your place as the football teams star quarterback. Trust me when I say this, I would give anything to be able to just walk around school holding your hand and just being ourselves."

Dash sighed while rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Danny. . .you know I don't care what other people say about me. Trust me Danny I'm not the only gay football player to the team. Yeah there might be some playful teasing, but it's all fun and games just to embarrass the person in front of there boyfriend. We even do it to the straight players with there girlfriends. I can tell you for sure Paulina and Star are gonna go all fangirl on us. 'Cause the last gay couple that was on the football team was subjected to the 'Paulina and Star match making services' and we didn't see him for about a week."

I chuckled at the thought.

"So, how about we take a nap since it's still so early?" I looked up at Dash and grinned, "that would be great!"

A/N: I'm really sorry for this late chapter I hope the fact that it's longer than the other's that it makes up for the lateness.




Have a nice day/night! 😊

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