2.1K 42 187

Sorry this is not a chapter. I am taking a vote/pole to see if people want any of these things to happen in the story. . .

1) Danny get's pregnant later on.

2) Kuan and Tucker get together.

3) Sam start's to come around about Danny and Dash being together.

4) Sam still act's like a bitch and try's to bully Danny.

5) The football team finds out about Danny and Dash and. . .

a) they approve of the relationship

b) they act like a bunch of dicks about it and try to humiliate both Danny and Dash

c) they are hesitant but come around because of Kuan

6) Vlad find's out and playfully teases Danny about Dash

7) Dash finds out about Dan

8) Danny goes through ghost puberty and slowly looks like Dan (and only in looks)

9) Kuan finds out that Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom

Alrighty people let me know what plot ideas you like in the comments and if you have any suggestions please PLEASE let me know I like to know what my readers think.

This pole/voting thing will be kept open untill I either use the idea or it becomes irrelevant to the plot.

So goodnight/ morning and have a great and safe Thanks Giving.

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