chapter 8

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Disclaimer: sadly I don't own Danny Phantom or the original picture above but I did make the meme. Ok on with the chapter...


   Kwan crossed his arms and gave Dash a 'ya duh' look after Dash said "who me?" and Dash just gave Kwan a puppy pout face in response and not even a full one minute later Kwan caved in and said, "fine...but you have to ask him sooner or later."

As I turned off my phone getting enough black mail martial for now I turned and left the locker room silently planning to corner Dash  tomorrow after school alone. . .

~~~~~~~Present day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Unknown pov-

As I waited for Dash to come out of the school building I went over in my head what I was going to say to Dash. A few minutes later Dash walked out the front doors of the school.

"Hay Dash can I talk to you for a moment?" When Dash heard his name he turned around and walked back towards me. "Hi Will, what did ya need?"

I started to walk away, "just follow me Dash I want to talk to you. . .privately" Dash only hesitated for a moment and then followed me into the storage room on the football field. "So. . .what did you want to talk to me about?" Dash looked at me confused. Smirking, "oh no reason other than this," as I said this I pulled out my phone and played the video of Dash and Kwan talking. Dash looked at me with horror on his face; I smirked knowing that I caused this much fear in the jock.

Third person pov

"What do you plan on doing with that Will?" Dash looked at the other jock with hope; but was quickly shut down when Will's smirk grew even l bigger. "Well I could send this video on a max text to every student at this school. . .or. . .I could delete it. But I'll only delete it on one condition," Dash felt a bit of the hope returning. "What ever it is Will I'll do it, I'll do anything!"

Will's eyebrow quirked, "really so anything?" Dash just started nodding his head like a bobble head, "yes I'll do anything," Dash said in desperation,  "because. . .because if people found out that we're together they would never leave Danny alone and. .and. . .I just couldn't let something like that happen to Danny. He means to much to me, to let anything like that happen to him."

"Well Dash I guess you get your wish cause I know for a fact that you're secretly a computer nerd." At the word 'nerd' Dash cringed. "So here's the deal, you change my SAT grade from its current 39 to 89 and I might consider not sending this video to everyone in the school" after Will said his demand, Dash looked dumbfounded and whisper yelled, "you do realise that I could get at the very least expelled at worst arested right? Messing with the SAT score is illegal and I could kiss goodbye to my football scholarship!" After Dash's rant Will gave Dash a knowing grin and simply said, "you'll just have to not get caught then won't you"


A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, the plot bunny's just don't wanna leave me alone nowadays. But I will try to update at least once every week to two weeks.

So should Dash go along with the blackmail, or should Dash be the bigger man and ignore the threat? Let me know in the comments.

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