Chapter 9

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Luke asked me to stay the night with him on the first night of being home from the tour. I said yes because I really didn't wanna be home by myself. I was currently on his couch on my laptop I brought over. It was around five in the morning. I always wake up early. Luke was still fast asleep. I was currently reading passages. Luke was trending.

Country Star Luke Bryan spotted with a new girl??

Someone had took a picture of me and Luke with Bo and Tate as we were walking to the tour bus so now that's trending. That's great...

"Lilly? What are you doing up?" I looked up to see Luke standing in the doorway to the hallway. He had bed hair and was only in a pair of jogging pants and no shirt. I smiled at the sight. "I always wake up early. And I was just reading online." I told him, closing my laptop and placed it next to me. "Try to come back to sleep? The boys won't wake up until nine." Luke said. I got up and walked over.

"I guess." I grabbed his hand and we went upstairs.


The baby monitor on the bed side table next to Luke was on and Tate was crying. Bo then ran into Luke's room and jumped on us. "Hey Bobo." Luke sat up and tickled his side. "Want me to get Tate?" I asked Luke. "If you want. I could get him." Luke answered. I smiled I got out of bed and went down the hallway until I heard Tate crying as I still have no idea where everything is.I opened the door before walking in.

"Hey, Tate." I said softly before going over to him. He was standing up in his crib as his face was red from sleeping on it and his eyes were puffy and red from crying. I picked him up out of his crib and he wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head against my shoulder. I rubbed his back as I walked out of his room. Luke was already coming out of his bedroom with Bo on his shoulders. I smiled.

"Can we have breakfast, daddy?" Bo asked. "Yes we can. What would you like to eat?" Luke talked to Bo as I followed them into the kitchen. Luke placed Bo down before turning to me. "Hey Tater bug." Luke said to Tate. I passed him over to Luke. Bo immedately sat at the table as Luke kissed Tate on the cheek before putting him in his high chair.

"What do they usually eat?" I asked Luke as I followed him over to the stove. "Bo usually eats either cereal or eggs. And I give Tate applesauce and oatmeal." Luke answered.

"I get Tate the applesauce and oatmeal. Is the applesauce in the refridgerator?" I asked. "Yep." Luke answered.


We were all at the table. I was feeding Tate while eating eggs, bacon and sausage. Luke and Bo were eating the same too. As I was feeding Tate, my phone started ringing. Luke took over feeding Tate and I went and grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Lilly, your house... Someone broke into it." It was Hannah. My eyes widen.

"Are you serious?! Call the cops. I will be there shortly." I quickly told her before hanging up. "What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"My house, someone broke into it." I said, starting to freak out. Luke got up and walked over to me. "Calm down, I will take you. Mama will watch the boys. It will be okay." Luke said, kissing my forehead.


As soon as LeClaire came over, Luke and I got in the truck and I gave him directions to my house. We quickly arrived. I saw Hannah standing to the side, talking to a police officer. I jumped out and ran over. "Ma'am, this is a crime scene." A police officer stopped me. "This is my house!" I told him. Luke came over and grabbed my hand. The police officer stood to the side and I ran inside the house.

Furniture was flipped over and pictures were broke and glass was every where. "My pictures." I whispered. I walked over to a frame that was facing down. I got down and picked it up. It was a picture of myself holding Gabe when he was born. "Lilly, are you okay?" I heard Hannah. "Oh, hey Luke." She said.

Luke got down next to me. "I don't want glass getting in your fingers. Are you okay?" Luke asked, rubbing my back. I shook my head. "My favorite picture. My first nephew. The picture is broken!" I exclaimed.

I got up and stormed outside. I knew who done this. I went up to one of the police officers. "I know who done this." I said. The officer had his full attention on me. "My ex, Hunter. A few days ago, he texted me." I showed the message.

"Then he threw a brick against my door one night and wrote you know who you're dealing with. This was all Hunter." I explained. By the time I finished explaining, Luke and Hannah were by my side.

"While we are looking for this Hunter guy, do you have anywhere to stay? I know this isn't safe right now." He asked. "Yeah, she will stay with me." Luke spoke. "And who are you?" The officer asked. "My boyfriend." I answered.

Hannah's eyes widen. "Since when?" She asked excitedly. "Explain later." I told her, not really in the mood for that right now.

"We can start getting your stuff tomorrow." Luke told me, squeezing my hand. I nodded. 

This chapter had a lot of action... It was cute at the beginning but now Hunter is ruining every thing for Lilly. Lilly will now be staying with Luke which is a good thing right? Since they're dating and all... Hunter broke her favorite picture of her and her nephew when he was born. What is Hunter trying to do? Let me know down in the comments and I hoped you enjoyed! 

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