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James Corden was sat behind the desk in his office in the Sky TV studios in London nursing a venti Caramel Macchiato. His phone vibrated and "Best Song Ever" played loudly.

"Harry! It's been too long!"

"James! I just called you last week. How are you?"

"Doing well. How's the tour going?"

"Exhausting but exhilarating. Last night..."

They chatted for a few minutes before Harry said "So, James, I need your help."

"Oh, here it comes.  Yes, Harold, what do you want?"

"Okay. The thing is, you have a guest scheduled for your show next week that I would really like to meet."

"I'm not an introduction service Harry."

"Oh, come on James! I've never asked you for anything like this before."

"Who is it?"

"Kacey Day."

"Oooh. She's a little crumpet; but you surprise me Harry. She's not your usual type."

"Will you do it?"

"I'll ask her"

"I love you James"

"Yeah, Harold, I love you too."

Before ringing off they made arrangements to meet the following week and have lunch before the show.


Kacey was getting a little nervous waiting for the show to begin.  She had done quite a few interview shows but she still got butterflies before going out in front of the audience. She was almost ready; her hair and makeup were done.  The only thing left was to change into her dress. She was just checking her phone when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to find James Corden standing there.  He smiled and said "You look lovely." Kacey blushed and thanked him.  James went on "I have a friend who would very much like to meet you if you are interested." 

Kacey looked surprised. "Really?"  Then she smiled and said "Um, I'm always up for meeting new people. Sure."

"Okay, after the show I'll introduce you."

"Great. I look forward to it."

"I'll see you out there in just a bit. I'm glad you're here."


"Tonight my last guest is Kacey Day.  You know her from the 'Mortwick Murders.' She has a new movie coming out on July 19th called The Terrier Chronicles. Please welcome Kacey Day!

Kacey walked out onto the stage smiling and waving to the audience. She sat in the comfortable chair across from James and leaned forward to take a sip from the glass of water on the table between them. Harry was watching on a monitor back stage. He could not stop staring at her.

"Tell me what it was like to work with Jennifer Lawrence on this movie."

"Jen is wonderful!  I have to tell you a story about her.  I'm from a city with almost a million people but it's so strange. Everyone knows everyone else, or at least they know someone in common. It's the largest small town you'll ever see. Everywhere we go this happens. I moved here to London, almost 4000 miles away.  I get a part on this movie and get to work with Jen and she just happens to be from my hometown."

"That's amazing!"

"Isn't it?" Kacey said laughing.

"Now I've heard that you are taking voice lessons. Is that true?"

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