Chapter 4

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Good morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well.

Good morning, handsome. I did. How about you?

I slept, but not long enough. Busy day today. Looking forward to our 'sleepover.'

I am too. And to playing games.

And to getting that to-do list completed. My meeting's starting. Ttyl.

The day was busy but the time seemed to drag. Kacey was bored and a little irritated at the meeting with her publisher and agent. After they griped at her about the lack of progress on her next book, she stopped listening. Her mind wandered to green eyes and soft lips and a deep voice.

The radio interview was almost as bad. She was able to do it by phone and was walking around her flat answering questions when her eyes happened to land on the console table in the entry. She lost her train of thought. The DJ smoothed it over. After the interview was over, she apologized and blamed nerves.

Finally, free from her obligations, she went shopping. First she placed an order with Farmdrop for produce and chicken. She made sure to get kale. Kacey didn't know if Harry actually drank kale smoothies or not but she wasn't taking any chances. That out of the way, she hopped into the Mini and went to Sainsbury's for essentials and paper goods. Next stop was Hampstead Village. She got seafood and then headed to the butcher for lamb and beef. She stopped at The Community Market Fruiterer and then down to the bakery for bread. She didn't know what Harry would want to eat but she was going to make sure that, whatever it was, she would have it. Her liquor cabinet inventory was running low so she headed to The Wine Rack. Not knowing what he preferred to drink, or even if he would be drinking, she loaded up. She bought so much that she couldn't carry it all and arranged for it to be delivered.

After a quick stop home to put her groceries away, she headed out for some new lingerie. As she drove to La Perla, the thought crossed her mind about going to Coco de Mer. She wasn't sure she could pull off the barely there half bras and Brazilian knickers though. Oh! Brazilian! That reminded her to make an appointment at Bliss for a wax.

By the time she made it back home it was half seven. She was feeling a little shaky and realized she hadn't eaten all day. Cutting up some fruit and cheese she sat, gingerly, at the bar in her kitchen. "Painless waxing my ass," she mumbled aloud. As she was finishing her meal, the bell rang and she went to greet the delivery man from Farmdrop. Not five minutes later, the liquor store delivered her purchases. After putting everything away, she straightened up and headed to her bathroom for a long soak in the tub. Undressing, she realized that she left her phone in her purse. Pulling it out, she saw that it was turned off. She had been so busy that she hadn't noticed. Dismayed, she turned it on to hear ding after ding alerting her to new text messages. They were all from Harry.

Hello beautiful. My meeting is deadly dull. How did yours go?

Hi beautiful, heading to lunch with my friend Jeff. How's your day going?

Hey Kassidy, is everything okay? Haven't heard from you. Still in that interview?

Kassidy, are you okay?

Kassidy. Call me please and let me know you're okay.

She was about to text back when the phone rang; 'Your Harry' was calling.

"Harry! I'm so sorry. My phone got switched off and I didn't realize it! I just got your messages."

"It's good to hear your voice, beautiful. Glad nothing is wrong," relief evident in his tone.

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