Chapter 10

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Kacey was beside herself. The last five and a half weeks had dragged by while she sat at home alone and Harry finished up the North American leg of the tour.

After dropping the boys off at the airport, Kacey had cried all the way home. Laura had been subdued as well and they consoled themselves by spending the day in the entertainment room watching favorite movies and eating loads of carbs. And ice cream, always ice cream. Legally Blonde and Clueless helped pass the time until the boys texted that they had landed and were safe. Kacey went to bed that night hugging the stuffed moose. She had slept on Harry's pillow and fell asleep breathing his scent.

She moped around for the next week, brightening only when Harry called or texted. On day six of what Laura had termed 'the dark days of waiting', she told her to go back to England because she was messing with her 'investment guru mojo.'

"I love you Kacey, you know that, but you are seriously cooling my vibe and that is costing us beaucoup bucks. Pack up your shit and get the hell back to England; you can sulk all you want and I can get back to making us money."

So, Kacey had flown back a week early and was greeted by a cool rain at Heathrow. Perfect. She puttered around her flat in a cloud of ennui until Harry asked her, in a concerned tone during a Skype session, if she was sick. Realizing that she was being ridiculous, and feeling guilty for worrying him, she set her alarm for 7 the next morning and got up and went for a run. Okay, a walk, she went for a walk. But it was a long one; all the way to Harry's house and back. She showered, ate a good breakfast and sat down at her desk to write.

Amazingly, the words flowed. They spilled onto the keyboard as fast as she could type, her recent mood matching the darker setting of the story. She worked long hours taking breaks only to eat, exercise, shower, and talk to Harry. She barely noticed the passage of time; she was so engrossed in getting the story out of her head and onto the page. It was cathartic too, all her frustrations from her trip home were excised and all her longing for Harry was placed upon her main character to suffer. As Laura had predicted, Ronald and Louanne had died horrible deaths for their comments about Harry. She was in the zone and stayed there for weeks. When she came up for air, she had finished her third book. Kacey loved it when it all came together like that, like it was meant to be.

She was eating a sandwich and checking out the concert videos on YouTube when she realized that the next concert, the one that evening, was the last one—Harry would be home in less than 48 hours. Her heart gave a little leap. And then it gave another when she realized that, during her writing binge, she had neglected certain bodily maintenance activities. She immediately made an appointment at Bliss for what her grandmother would have called 'the whole shebang.' Fortunately, they had an opening that afternoon. She grabbed her purse and her keys and headed out the door.

Four hours later she returned having been buffed, waxed, plucked, kneaded, coiffed and deforested. She had also made a stop at Coco de Mer dropping a couple hundred pounds for some lace confections. While there she debated getting more but determined that three pairs were enough. Then she debated about getting some toys but decided those could wait; right now, she wanted nothing but Harry. On a whim, she toured the luxury bondage area but had to leave almost immediately; 5 weeks without sex had left her starving and she was afraid she might come on the spot just imagining Harry strapping her into some of the gadgets she saw there.

Checking her phone, she saw that it was nearing 3PM in Massachusetts. She decided to send Harry a picture to make sure he remembered what he was coming home to. Nothing too risqué just in case he got hacked. She went into the bedroom and slipped on the 'minerva open knickers' and presented her derriere to the mirror. Flexing her leg, she snapped several pics and then reviewed them on her phone. One was perfect; the black lace sides open and held together with a corset like satin string, her cheeks peeking out at the edge of the frame. Grinning mischievously, she sent it to Harry with the comment "did a little shopping today..."

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