Story of my Life--Extra: Kiwi

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Harry lay awake in his bed; Kacey snuggled into his side, snoring softly. He had been home for a couple of weeks after completing his role in Dunkirk. The night before they had gone to dinner with his mum, Robin, and Gemma and celebrated the one year anniversary of their first date. It was a wonderful evening full of love and laughter. He looked down at Kacey; her face barely illuminated in the early morning light and kissed the top of her head. What had his life been like before she came into it? Busy, certainly, but empty in comparison.

There was no question that he loved her deeply, fervently, completely. Why, then, was he feeling this odd restlessness? True, the last six years had been a whirlwind and he had been on the go constantly. Maybe he didn't know how to slow down anymore. Something was nagging at him. A feeling that he had to get away from all the usual schedules and places and...people. He felt blocked; his creative juices not flowing, which was a problem since he had a solo album that needed to be written. He needed to talk to Jeff.


Harry had been in Jamaica for just over three weeks. Kacey felt the separation keenly. Coming so soon after him being away filming was difficult, and she missed him terribly. Their phone calls had become shorter and more infrequent as the days passed, and she was disheartened, but knew that he was immersed in the creativity of the people around him. The last time they had talked he seemed impatient to get off the phone and get back to writing and Kacey almost felt guilty for disturbing him. She waited several days before calling him again.

"Hey Harry, I was thinking that I might join you for a week. I could use some sun, and I could use some snuggles with my favorite human. What do you think?" Kacey asked excitedly as she scrolled through the airline website checking out flights to Jamaica.

Harry hesitated before answering. "Um, babe, I'm not sure that would work. The guys are all here and having a woman around might be a little distracting." He held his breath as he waited for her reply.

"Oh. Well, I could get a separate room and not bother you while you're working. I'm sure the beach is beautiful. I could just see you at night when you're finished for the day."

"Erm, we really don't have, like, set hours. We just write and then take a break and then maybe watch a movie. If something comes to mind in the middle of the night we might work until dawn. It's just fluid, spontaneous."

Kacey was quiet until Harry asked "Are you still there? Babe?"

Clearing her throat she responded "You don't want me to come but you are afraid to tell me, is that it?"

"Kassidy, I'm just...we kind of have this man cave vibe going on..."

"Man cave vibe...wherein you hang out and watch rom-coms together. Is there something you want to tell me?"


"No, I get it. No problem. I definitely don't want to go where I'm not wanted."

"Baby, don't be upset. I need this time. We're writing so much and it's coming together. I'll be home soon."

"Yeah. Okay, well I've got to run. Things to do, people to see. You know how it is."

"Kassidy, please..."

"Bye, Harry."

"Kass--" the rest was lost as she hit end. Her phone buzzed almost immediately but instead of answering she turned it off. She sat in the darkening room, staring at the wall.


It took two days for Kacey to turn her phone back on. When she did, she had 35 missed calls and 10 messages from Harry as well as a couple dozen texts. She ignored all of them. She wasn't sure what was going on. Had she been crowding him? Suffocating him? As far as she was concerned she hardly ever saw him and yet he wanted some 'time'. Wasn't that manspeak for the end of a relationship? Kacey felt blindsided. What the hell happened?

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