Chapter 11

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After a late night celebrating the end of the OTRA tour with Harry and the rest of the band and crew, Kacey was awakened on November first by Harry pressing soft kisses to her eyes, cheeks and finally her lips.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, his voice raspy.

"Mmmm. Is it morning already? What time is it?" she asked sleepily.

"It's time to celebrate your birthday. Do you have anything special you'd like to do today?" he asked, kissing her temple.

"Hmmm...I think I'd like you," she said huskily, a crooked smile on her lips.

"I think that can be arranged. Or, perhaps I could do you, hmm?" he smiled at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Why don't we just do each other?" she suggested diplomatically.

"Good idea," he trailed off as his mouth found hers.


Kacey had just finished drying her hair when the smell of coffee hit her. She wandered back into the room to see Harry holding out a cup from Starbucks. She accepted the proffered drink and sighed with satisfaction as she took the first sip. Harry had ordered breakfast and it was set up on the table in the corner of the room. There was fresh fruit, muffins, Devon cream, and poached eggs with smoked salmon and hollandaise on a bed of asparagus. Fresh flowers and several beautifully wrapped packages completed the table.

"Wow...this is wonderful," Kacey breathed.

"Let's eat. We have a lot to do today," Harry said, smiling enigmatically and kissing her cheek.

Kacey allowed him to lead her to the table and sat as he held her chair. He sat next to her and offered her the Devon cream for her muffin. She spread some on and took a bite, eyes closed at the gorgeously smooth, buttery taste.

"Oh, Harry, this is heaven!" she gushed.

Harry took his napkin preparing to wipe the corner of her mouth where a drop of the cream had deposited but then thought better of it and kissed it off instead. Kacey beamed at him and kissed him back.

"Kassidy...stop looking at me like that. I've made plans for us today and if you keep that up we'll never leave this room," he admonished.

"You started it," she pretended to grumble, smiling despite herself.

As they finished their breakfast Harry asked eagerly "Ready for presents?"

Kacey smiled at his excitement and placed her napkin on the table. "I'm ready," she replied, enthusiasm edging into her voice. Harry bought her gifts often; he got so excited giving them to her and always watched her reaction closely. He brought her something from every city the band played in. His gifts were never overly expensive but they were always thoughtful.

Harry reached for a rectangular package and handed it to her. Kacey tore into the wrapping and pulled out a box. It was an iPhone 6 plus. A tiny twinge of worry nibbled at the back of her neck. This was expensive. This newest model had only been out for about 6 weeks and there were huge waiting lists to get one. She knew money was not an issue, Harry was seriously wealthy. It was just...maybe a little too much? She didn't feel completely comfortable having him spend money on her. She was a multi-millionaire in her own right, thanks to her books and Laura's stock market savvy, but chose to live simply. Her main indulgences were her homes, which also happened to be good investments.

"Oh Harry! This is amazing but I'm afraid it's too..." she began, but saw his face fall. Quickly she finished "much technology for me! Will you show me how to use it?" His grin returned, this time accompanied by dimples. Oh, thank goodness—it was a good save. The last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him.

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