Chapter 9

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Kacey pulled the car to the side of the house and Harry bolted out and hustled around to open the door for her. She was amused and touched by his gesture as he closed the door behind her. She turned to him to be immediately enfolded in his arms. He pulled her into the shade of the house and kissed her, thirsty for the taste of her. They stood there kissing, until a loud "Get a room!" startled them apart. Niall was standing with arms crossed, barbecue spatula in hand, tapping his foot, with a mock scowl on his face.

"Laur sent me to get you two. I did not spend all afternoon being bossed around and slaving over a hot grill for you to waste time making out in the shadows. Now haul your arses inside and divert her attention before that tyrant finds something else for me to do." His amused tone belying the complaint in his words.

Harry walked up to him smirking and pointed, "Got a little something on your neck there, Nialler."

"Is that a HICKEY??!! Niall Horan, you've got a hickey!!!" Kacey chortled.

Niall blushed a deep pink but grinned and said, "I had to distract her somehow! She's had me cooking all day!"

They were all laughing as they walked into the house together.  Laura looked up from setting the table, her hair a little mussed and escaping from a messy bun, to ask, "How was it?"

"Usual, I guess. Good to see Beth and Lawrence. I was able to refrain from killing Ronald and Louanne so that's a win.  Smarmy anal orifices." Kacey added under her breath as she sat at the table next to Harry.

Laura laughed "You can always kill them in the next book."  To Harry and Niall, she added "It's her therapy.  I've recognized several of her victims.  I'm willing to bet they would recognize themselves if they knew she had written the books; but since they don't, they plod along in their tiny, mundane lives wallowing in their ignorance."

Niall was staring at her, small frown on his face. "Do you always talk like this?"

Laura, producing two beers and a bottle of wine from the sideboard, smiled and replied "Only with Kacey, everyone else just gives me blank stares. Always nice to have her home so I have someone I can actually talk to."

Kacey took one bite of steak and sighed happily. "Niall, this is perfect.   And Laur, these potatoes are awesome. Is this the recipe from Le Pomme? The one with the four cheeses?"

Laura nodded, grinning. "Pomme de terre from Le Pomme."

Harry barked a laugh, "French puns!" Niall was grinning broadly and looking at Laura, a tinge of pride in his gaze.  It did not go unnoticed by the other couple at the table.


Dinner was comfortable and they lingered over the dessert of fresh berries and whipped cream. Kacey shooed Niall and Laura away, not allowing them to help clean up the dishes. "Absolutely not.  You made this wonderful dinner, now get out of here while I clean up."

It took only a few minutes with Harry's help and, after some playful moments with leftover strawberries and whipped cream, they snagged another bottle of wine and a couple of beers and joined Niall and Laura in the living room.  The room was dominated by a white baby grand piano.  The sofa, a sectional, curved around facing it.  There were contrasting chairs and a low table completing a conversation area.  Niall was sitting on the edge of the sofa strumming a guitar and Laura was curled up next to him. Kacey put the wine within easy reach and Harry placed Niall's beer on the table before wandering to the bookshelves in the wall near the fireplace.  Seeing two identical high school yearbooks, he pulled them down and moved to sit at the end of the sofa opposite Niall and Laura.  Kacey plopped next to him, leaning into his side and he put his arm around her before opening the book and leafing through. Under the paged entitled "Talent Show" he saw a half page color photo of Kacey and Laura.  They were standing next to one another, Kacey at a keyboard and Laura with a guitar, their hair very straight, dressed in matching outfits and singing into some microphones.

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