❥twenty two

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"where were you during activities?" marina asked, drinking her ice cold water. "err, just sitting around in the cabin pretty much." tyler lied, eating his salad. him and josh seemed to be playing it off pretty well, none of the girls knew, although lizzie kept giving them weird looks.

a fire was being announced tomorrow night, since the camps beginning to come to an end. tyler was sad about it ending, but he had a lot of good times. besides the musical things he learned, he was able to perform and meet some amazing people. definitely one of his best summers.

"helloo?" melanie waved her hand in front of tyler's face, snapping him out of his thoughts. "you wanna come swimming?" she asked. he looked at all of his friends with a smile. "yeah" he nodded.

the teens left the dining hall, tyler noticing brendon staring at josh. he nudged him. josh turned to look at brendon. "do you guys still talk?" he asked. josh shrugged.

tyler began to walk up to brendon, josh watched surprisingly. brendon looks confused as the boy approached him. "we are going swimming." tyler said. "ok." brendon raised his eyebrow puzzledly. "you wanna come?" he asked.

he raised his eyebrows. "can i?" he looked like an excited little kid who was just told he was going to disney world. "yeah." tyler nodded. he brought brendon back to the others. josh smiled at him, and they all continued walking.

hecka short rip

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