❥twenty three

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the teens were currently at a pit stop when marina had to bring melanie back to the cabin because she was crying over the amount of mosquitoes that were trying to bite.

tyler and lizzie laughed quietly and waited for them to return. it was dim outside, since the sun doesn't set for a while. they could hear muffled music coming from the center of the camp, where the fire is.

the two soon came back, melanie reeling of bug spray. "i hate them!" she said as she sniffed. "it's ok." marina patted her back like a mother.

they approached the fire, tyler spotted tyler who was sitting and talking with brendon. "hey." tyler said as he sat down next to him. "hi ty." josh smiled. "hey guys." he greeted the rest of the girls who all sat down as well.

mrs. vandertramp was walking around and talking to the kids. she approached them rather quickly greeting them with a sweet "hello kids". they all said hi back. she smiled. "you guys are kinda like the oddballs of the camp, i love it so much. i came to say your performances were all very unique. you'll definetly go far." those words touched all of their hearts as they all began thanking her tremendously for the camp itself.

"that was so nice." marina smiled as the woman left to talk to more kids. "i'm gonna miss being here." josh said. "it was really fun." they all agreed. "we have to stay in touch though!" melanie said. "oh yeah, definitely." lizzie smiled.

soon the s'mores all came out and the teens payed all their attention onto them. the moment was sweet, the warmth, the s'mores, the environment, and even the people. it was all so sweet.


it was very dark now, lights every here and there to lead the way for the teens to go back to their cabins after a long night. the teens said their goodbyes, the girls yawning in exhaustion as they began to walk away.

tyler was suddenly pulled back by josh. he waited till brendon and the girls were fairly far away, before lightly kissing him. "night." he said. "night." tyler blushed back as he ran back to the girls.

they filled back into the cabin, all falling asleep in minutes.


the next morning they were greeted with a small purple wrapped gift. it was for marina. the only one who wasn't awake yet. the three looked at the gift puzzledly.

melanie began to shake it and lizzie hit her hand lightly, telling her to stop. melanie pouted. tyler woke marina up, she yawned as she sat up groggily. "this is for you." melanie said, handing her the box.

marinas eyes lit up as she tore through the paper. it was a dress, a cute bubblegum pink dress. there was a card with it but she was too busy hugging the soft lace dress.

tyler opened the card. it was from her parents. it was marinas birthday. "what!" he exclaimed. "what?" lizzie asked as her and melanie both read over the card.

melanie gasped. "you never told us your birthday was coming up!!" she exclaimed. "sorry." marina giggled. "you will be." lizzie smirked. "come on now get up! we have breakfast soon you slept in late." she said.

marina quickly changed into the dress that looked gorgeous on her. they showered her with compliments as they left the cabin and went to the dining hall.

josh was already at the table, a bowl of cereal i front of him. he yawned, his hair all fluffed up. it looked cute. tyler smiled widely, talking himself that's my boyfrienddd!

they all sat down, marina and melanie getting food. "its marinas birthday today." lizzie said. "really?" josh asked. "yeah, i have a plan." she grinned. "what?" tyler asked.

"we are all just gonna sing happy birthday loudly to her, try to get others to join in." she said. "melanie already knows." tyler giggled at the idea. he's be embarrassed if it were him but i guess that's what she gets for not telling anyone.

they sat back down, even josh complimented her dress which made her so happy. they were all eating when lizzie, melanie, and tyler all exchanged looks. lizzie winked and mouth out "1,2,3.."

they all began to sing, startling marina. even josh sang.

happy birthday to you!
happy birthday to you!

people were quick to join in, guess that's a plus for being at a music camp.

happy birthday dear marina!!
happy birthday

they held the ooo and you for a bit as people clapped. marina covered her pink face as she laughed embarrassingly.

"i hate you guys, but also love you so much." she smiled. they all laughed as they gave her hugs.

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