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Three Years Later

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Three Years Later

I never thought I would be this happy my whole life. I never believed in miracles, I never believed in hope. I always thought, I grew up believing, that hoping will just cause unnecessary heartache. Unnecessary loneliness. I grew up believing that hoping will just lead to misery. An eternal one.

But I was wrong.

Just like how I've been wrong most part of my teenage years. But I'm doing better now. I'm a much improved version of myself.

And I am happy.

Three years ago, I'm still a hopeless freak. But funny how time can change a lot of things. Funny how life works miraculously and mysteriously.

I smiled to myself once more in front of the mirror. Checked my make-up, if it's just right. I curled my hair a bit today.

Once I'm done, I headed downstairs. Passing by picture frames of when I was younger, of when Shannon was still alive. And then I passed on new photographs. The ones with my mom and dad and me in the middle.

Photographs of me and Mike and Thayer. I passed by a few more new pictures hanging on the wall until I reached the end of the staircase.

I had on a pair of sneakers, ripped jeans, and an off-shoulder cream colored top. One of the things that I really liked and enjoyed after having been free for what seems like forever, is the fact that I could dress up and try on different choices of clothes.

My parent's weren't home, they're probably working at the flower shop. And I... I have some errands to attend to.

I still can't believe I'm actually living my life now.

Half an hour later, I pulled to a stop in front of a park. The weather is so nice today, not too hot and not too cold either. Just perfect.

I get out of my car after parking it, and took the steps to where he said he would be.

I'm feeling a bit jittery right now, but in a good way. I pulled out a mini mirror from my bag and checked to see if I still look fine.

Yes, just perfect.

When I reached the middle of the park, just near the lake, there was a picnic set-up prepared there. I smiled to myself and walked towards its direction.

My phone vibrated in my pockets and I retrieved to see that he had already texted.

Just sit there, I'll be coming in a sec xx

I smiled for the hundredth time today and sat myself down, looking at every people who walks in the park and wondering what their lives might have been through.

"Hey," Mike says from behind, then sitting next to me.

"Hey," I answered smiling.

"The weather's really great today, isn't it?" he asks taking a slice of bread from the picnic basket.

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