Chapter 21: Alex Is A Friend... Ish

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"What is it then?" I say in a bitchy tone.
Myself and Mason are isolated from the others amidst a few trees.

"I don't know how to say this" Mason says.

"What?? What could possibly be so bad that you can't tell me? That we're related or something?!".

"Well-" I cut Mason off.

"Listen Mason don't beat around the bush please, whatever you want to say, say it clearly" I tell Mason straight up.

"I like Hannah, okay".

Did he just? Omg no he didn't!!! Wow. Omg. I can't.

"No way!!!!" I chirp.

"Yeah, I like Hannah".

"Omg wow. First of all, I'm soo happy and second, why are you being such a dick to her and Alex?".

"Alex's my best friend. I see girls fawning over him all the time. That's what girls like right? Someone who is bad ass, a dick, rude? I had to put this facade on because I want Hannah to like me".

"That's A-Alex. You're you. You shouldn't have to pretend to be someone you're not. If every guy on the planet was like Alex, a girl would get bored. Mason, you're fine just the way you are. You're a genuinely nice person and I'm honoured to be friends with someone like you. But your behaviour recently, it's not a very pleasant sight and please don't change for anyone. And for the record, Hannah also crushes on you big time. Don't tell her I told you though!" I speak honestly.

That's why Mason has been acting up, he's been attempting to become like Alex. But Alex isn't like that. He's jerky and cocky but he's not a full on dick, you know?

"Oh my God. Does she really???" Mason asks in disbelief.

"Yep. Ever since she first laid her eyes on you. She was in awe of you. She was even convinced that you liked me at one point" I chuckle.

"And do you?" Mason smiles.

"Nope!", "You're just a friend to me Mason, plus, I couldn't betray my best friend like that now could I?" I smile back.

"You're such a great friend Sophia".

"You are too, but you do need to give Alex one of your big boy hugs because he did get some crap he didn't deserve".

"You seem to care about Alex, Sophia"

"I care about everyone, whether I like them or not" I reply to Mason.

"Yes but with Alex, you seem to be protective, even when we were on the way here, he hurt himself and although it was a very minor injury, it seemed like you felt the pain more".

"Please Mason, you're being pathetic. Alex is a friend, ish... I don't care about him more or less than anyone else". I tell him.

"Okay" Mason hugs me. I hug him back. It's good to know I haven't lost a good friend due to such a trivial issue.

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