Chapter 26: What's Wrong With Your Arms?

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It's now the morning. I had a peaceful sleep for the first time in ages. I felt kind of.. relaxed?

I look at the time on my phone, it's 9:08am. I turn to my right to see what Hannah is doing... she's still knockout. How is it possible that I went to sleep after her yet I'm awake before her?! That's Hannah for you!!

I go to the toilet and brush my teeth and have a shower. As I get out of the bathroom, there's a knock at the door. I quickly pop on a vest and some shorts and I rush to the door.

As I open it, I can smell that cologne smell that I'm so familiar with.

"Hey princess" I look up to see the person's face to see that is Alex.

"Hi" I smile at him.

"Whatya d— omg what's wrong with your arms?!?!" Alex's face looks horrified as he looks at my arms.

I totally forgot that I was wearing a vest... my bruises are all exposed...

"Alex it's fine I just—"

"You sure as hell don't look fine to me", He cuts me off. "What happened?".

"I'm a klutz, I walk into almost anything and then I'm also the most easiest person to get all bruised up even if my skin just brushes a surface. It's nothing to worry about Alex, honestly" I lie as usual. To be honest, I think that was a pretty good lie, I didn't even stutter, I must be getting good at this.

"You sure you're okay?"

"More than sure" I give him a reassuring smile.

"Well I came to tell you and Hannah that we're leaving in an hour since neither of you bothered to pick up your phones".

"You called me?", "I didn't hear anything".

"Judging by your hair, I'm guessing you were in the shower" he says whilst touching my hair. I slap his hand and Alex takes away his hand.

"Shut up and okay I'll tell Han we're leaving in an hour".

Alex turns to face the corridor until he turns back in my direction "Oh and don't be so surprised that I called you. I call many girls on a daily basis. You're just on the list" He winks at me.

"Fuck off Sharpe" I say jokingly and I slam the door in his face.

Does he really still talk to girls? Has he forgotten the bet? I'm sure he wouldn't. However it's possible...

I need to wake up Hannah and ask her.  Hannah is a VERY deep sleeper, nothing will wake her up.

Except one thing.

I run for a head start and I jump onto Hannah. Nothing... I jump on her whilst I'm also on the bed. Nothing...


"HE WHAT???" Hannah almost instantly jumps up upon hearing Mason's name.

"He said we're leaving in an hour, so be ready" I laugh

"You little bitchhhh" Hannah jokes.

"Thank you Hun"

"Is that everything guys?" Mason asks us.

"Mason you haven't put neither yours or my luggage in" Hannah says confusedly.

"Yeah I was kinda hoping we could stay here for another day, just me and you" He tells Hannah

"Oh-oh okay I like the sound of that!" Hannah smiles.

"Well then we shall get going, don't wanna be third wheeling with you two" Alex laughs.

"Excuse me how can you be third wheeling if I'm here?" I ask Alex.

"Oh yeah, you're here as well, I sometimes forget you exist!"



"Bye Han, have a nice time, I'll miss you" I hug Hannah as I say bye to her.

"You too, be careful" Hannah whispers to me worriedly.

"I will, don't you worry!"

"Come on Soph, we haven't got all day"

"Actually we do, it's only 10:30AM" I say emphasising 'AM'

"Ugh here comes another bullshit comment I don't wanna hear"

"Just get in the car", I tell him "Bye Hannah, bye Mason"

"Bye Hannah!" They both reply in harmony.

I sit in the passenger seat as Mason revs the engine.

"Shall we go now babe?" He asks me

"Lets go"

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