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(Not my art)
Y/n = your name R/n = rivals name
L/n = last name F/c = favorite color
Your pov

I was walking home from school, trying to ignore the snickering of the students behind me. They like making fun of me just because I'm a Fangirl and I screamed during class about The last Guardian finally coming out soon. They call me obsessed which is true but they say it in a mean way. "Hey Y/n, why don't you obsess and scream about that tree." They point at a tree that has negative carvings. I kept walking, tuning out their laughter until I heard a little growl. I follow the sound and find an old locked cage the size of a mini fridge with...a baby Trico?! I looked at it in awe. His tail and wings are black while his body is grey with turquoise glowing horns. His ears were perked up as he was looking at me. 'How is he real?! I thought it was just a game!!' I looked at him and see that his eyes were glowing white. He's hungry...' I took off my hoodie and covered him out of sight, walking towards home.

I took out my keys for the apartment and walked in. I locked the door and placed Trico on the table. 'Mom won't be home till 6 and she can't find out about Trico. She might not like him and take him to an adoption or the government!!' He still had those white glowing eyes. 'He eats humans but I don't want that...can he eat normal meat though?...' I waked into the kitchen and heated up some chicken. I gave him pieces and he would swallow them. "Heh, your hungry little fella aren't ya." I say petting him through the bars. He purrs with his now black eyes. "okay let's get you out of there." I try to look around for something that's useful. I found a hammer which was all I needed. I cranked opened the cage and gently carried Trico into my hands. "Hey bubba...It's going to be okay. I'll make sure nothing hurts you ok?" He purrs as he falls asleep. 'I'm just going to call you Trico...'

I carefully carried him to my room and placed him on my bed. I searched the room for something he can sleep on. I looked inside my closet and see a basket that looks a bit too big for him but he'll grown in it. I placed some cushions in it along with a blanket. I gently place Trico in the basket and pushed it quietly to the closet. I look at his sleeping figure, his breathing rises and falls. 'I saw youtubers play the game but I didn't think he'd be real...' I kept petting him until I slowly fell asleep.

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