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Your pov

"Mom were home! And Mason is here too sadly!" You yelled out causing Mason to pout. "Jeez princess, no need to be mean." Mom comes down stairs all dressed up. I grew confused. "Hi sweetie and hello Mason. Hope you three made it home without any trouble?" Mason nodded placing his arm around my shoulder. "The damsel in distress called so I came to the rescue." "Why are you like this and stop calling me that!" I growled in annoyance and pushed his arm away. "He came in a freakin helicopter, Mom! Next time, he might come in a freakin jet " my mom just giggled as she was putting on her heels and heading for the door."Mom Where are you going?" "Well my co workers and I are going to hang out for the night before my presentation in Chicago so I'm leaving you here for a while. Since Mason is here, he can stay too. You're not staying long right?" I didn't like this. "I can stay and chill here with beast tamer and feather ball until you come back. I don't really have plans so I'll make sure to keep your daughter out of trouble." "It's not like I need a babysitter!!" Mason just ruffled my hair and smiled. "Ok I gotta go sweetie, bye!" She waves and out the door she goes.

We both just stood there looking at the door. I can see two eye-like gleams of light on the floor from outside through the window . Trico wants to eat. "Sooo.... what should we do m-" " I'm gonna go feed Trico." And a walking away I go. I immediately ditched him. Yeah yeah I know "oh wow your so mean, can't you just be nicer?" Sure but not him. I'm sure he flirts with every girl he meets, he's a show off and a drama queen. I don't have to prove it since it literally just happened 30 minutes ago!! He acts like I'm going to fall head over heels in love with him soon. Ugh.. as if. Yeah his freaking aqua green eyes and his messy yet kinda combed black hair make him cute but I don't even know that much about him personally since he never hangs out with me and always works with the government. But I don't like him....I know I don't. Yeah.

I grabbed enough chicken and ham to feed Trico. I also made sure the pool's. The water was clean for Trico to drink in. It was the biggest bowl we could find when Trico started growing. Just as i was headed towards my room; Mason grabbed my hand. "Y/n come on, I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to get to you and Clifford without going through traffic."  I could hear Trico snuffed in annoyance outside. I pulled my arm away from his grip and sighed. "Ok I forgive you but at least try not to be a show off next time." He nodded and his smile grew....god why did I forgive him again? "Ok well I'm tired so we can hang out tomorrow, good night!" I waved him away and walked towards my room. "Goodnight princess!" "Don't call me that!!" I shut the door and hopped on my bed...

I waited till midnight and checked on Mason. He was asleep on the couch with a small bit of drool dripping from his lips. I covered my mouth to muffle the giggles. I grabbed my hoodie and bag and opened the front door gently. I sneaked outside and went around the house and found Trico sleeping on his side. I smiled and just admired his feathers in the moonlight. God...it's been only less than a year with him and I still can't believe this is real. I stepped towards him and his ear flopped up which spooked me a bit. His head rose up from. the ground and groggily opened his eyes. I giggled as he let out an adorable yawn. The birds in the woods near by flew away from the trees as they heard the yawn. Trico looked towards my direction and pushed his beak against my body. I hugged him tightly.

"Ready to go buddy?" Trico leaped up and caused a bit of a rumble. "Calm down boy, you're going to wake up the baby." I laughed at my own joke since Trico probably didn't get it. I climbed onto Trico's back and held on to his feathers. Trico got into take off position. "GO!!!" Trico jumped into the air and spread his wings wide. He kept flying higher and higher, his wings flapping and creating a strong gust of wind beneath us. We kept going higher until we finally reached above the clouds.

It was dark yet beautiful

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It was dark yet beautiful. The clouds went through me and felt like mist of cold water. The stars were brighter up here and more of them were also visible. The moon was bright and full, the clouds looked like a playground I could play in but I'd probably fall to my death if I tried. It was cold but I came prepared with a hoodie and sweater underneath. I patted my hoodie at my own thought of being prepared. Hehe..

I could see the city lights and the tallest building. For some reason, that building is the only building at night that has all of its lights off. Since I assumed no one is in there, we use it. I pointed the building for Trico to see and he started heading towards its direction. We landed on its flat wide roof and rested. This was my favorite part about our weekend midnight flights. Tallest building with an amazing view. I kinda miss living in the city but the country is waaay better. At least I still go to school here. R/n still goes there and still tries to be my friend for free rides instead of being in traffic with her "mom's new Porsche". That place still sucks and so does R/n.

I rested my head against Trico's body as he laid down. I looked up into the sky and then turn my head to face Trico. He looks at me and gently rubs his head against me. I smiled in comfort and petted him softly. "I love you Trico." I spoke softly even though up here I could scream all I want. Trico purred in response. I started to slowly fall asleep and I knew I had to go home. "Hey Trico...lets...go...home.." before I knew it I fell asleep.

Trico stared at y/n and gently picked her up in his mouth. His wings spread once more and took off. He kept flying towards their home, away from the loud sounds of the city and into the silence of the fields. He started to fly low as they neared the house and landed on the ground without causing a rumble. Trico still had y/n but couldn't get her into bed. Usually her mom would come by and carry y/n to bed but she's out. Trico didn't want to wake her up and make her walk to her bed so he looked inside the house. Mason was still inside sleeping on the couch hugging a pillow. Trico tapped the walls of the house with his claws. Trico started to whine quietly, trying not to wake y/n up but hoping it'll wake up Mason.

Trico kept tapping the wall and whining until mason finally woke up. Mason groggily walked towards the window and saw Trico's eyes staring at him. "What do you want furball?" Trico raised his head to show Y/n hanging from his beak. Mason just stared at her for a while and realization showed on his face. "Right... I forgot about your weekend night adventures...." Trico's expression furrowed at Mason. "Oh come on I work for the government. We keep a bit of a close watch of you two when you're together so of course I know about this." Mason opened the window and opened his arms. Trico gently placed y/n in Mason's arms and tried nudging his head against her but his beak couldn't fit through the window. "Haha, you can't even give her a goodnight kiss." Trico glared at Mason and licked y/n's face, causing her to shift a bit. Trico barked a little laugh. "Ewwww it got on my arm." He looked down to see Y/n still asleep. "At least she didn't wake up from that." Trico walked away and laid down in his spot.

Mason groaned in annoyance and walked towards y/n's room. 'I'll close the window later, I just need to get her to bed.' Mason laid y/n on her bed and went to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth. He sat next to y/n's sleeping form and gently wiped off Trico's slobber off her face. After that he wiped it off his arm. He looked at y/n and smiled to himself. "I can see why that bird likes you." He pulled her covers on her and pushed her hair away from her face. She's drooling a bit from her lips. He chuckled and pecked her forehead. "Goodnight, princess..." He got up and walked out of her room, turning the lights off and closing the door gently; trying not to disturb her.

He laid back on the couch and smiled to himself as he laid there; not knowing that in the other room she was awake the whole time. She sat up and had a tint of pink on her cheeks, clearly a bit flustered. "Why is he like this?" Covering her face, she plopped back on her bed and sighed. She looked at the door and rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Night, Mason."

Edited: December 2019

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