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(Not my art)

Your pov

The bell rang and everyone exited the school. I just stood there looking at the sky for any sign of Trico. "Hey Y/n, are you done looking up like an idiot?" R/n said laughing along with their friends. I cup my hands around my mouth and called out, "Tiricu!!". R/n looked at me like if I was insane and laughed. I ignored them and called out again, "TURICU!!". Everyone kept telling me to shut up until everyone heard a distant roar.

Everyone looked up at the sky and see a flying beast with wide wings and the size of a van heading straight towards us. He landed right in front of me without crashing. People backed up in fear. "You perfected your landing! Aww good job Bubba!" I say hugging and petting his face.
I climb onto him and held on. We were about to take off until R/n called. "Hey Y/n, what is that? Can I ride it? I'll be nice to you and see if we can hang, k?" I turn to face them and smiled. "I'd rather have no friends than be friends with you. Your just friends with people because they have cool stuff that you don't have, so you just ask them once they accept your "friendship". Now leave me alone.." I held on until R/n grabbed my leg.

"Dude what the heck?!" I tried kicking their hands off me, but they still held on. "You are going to regret that." R/n said angrily. Trico's eyes turned red and yanked me away from R/n. R/n fell and crawled away, terrified of him. "Trico...lets go. They're a waste of time." Trico looked at me and back at R/n. He roared in their face and took off. I looked back and see R/n still in shock. I giggled and scratched Trico's ear. "Sorry you had to do that bubba." He let out a giant purr and landed home.

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