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A bright light shined on Y/n's face. She struggled to go back to sleep, facing away from the light. A low whine caught her attention and forced her to rise from her bed. From the window, Trico was whining but...his eyes were flashing multiple varieties of color.



She looked at her phone and saw it was 3am. She stands up and opens the window. A gust of cold wind blew in, causing her to shiver a bit. As she crawled out, Trico's whines grew louder. "Hey, Hey! It's ok, what's going on?" Trico let out a painful howl, Y/n noticed his horns were glowing. She looked around trying to see where the source of the disturbance comes from. She climbed his feathers and began petting him.

"Trico, it's ok. Try to calm down." Her pats weren't working, He was still agitated from the ringing in his ears, bouncing off his horns. He started moving erratically, trying to shake the noise away.  "Trico! It's ok! You just need to-"

She lost her grip on his feathers and fell on the ground. Trico's growls of pain echoed in her head, her vision began to blur. A high pitched ringing was heard. She recognized it, from the game...What causes Trico to lose control of himself. Trico then stops his movements and slowly turns to Y/n with red eyes.

Y/n's eyes widen as she backs up. "Trico...it's me! Wake up!" The ringing grew louder in her ears and she grew dizzy. She falls back, tripping on his tail. Before she could call out to him again, her vision began to blacken. Trico stepped closer to her, growling at her weak form. He picks her up by her shirt and swallows her.

He was about to open his wings and take off until the ringing began to stop and Trico's eyes returned to their glossy black and yellow. His body moved with his slowed breathing. He turned around and sees no trace of Y/n. He felt something in his throat and begins to throw up. A green blob came out, containing Y/n inside, unconscious. The blob pops, leaving a green puddle around her. He whines and walks slowly to her, Calling out to her in a whine but receiving no response. He nudged her body let out a small howl once more.

"Trico, what's going on?" Mason said tiredly as he walked out from the back door of the house. He then noticed Y/n on the ground, unconscious. "Y/n?!" He ran towards her and tried to wake her. He scanned her chest. "She's still breathing..." he felt her body soaked and realized it was some sort of green liquid. He looked up at Trico with a confused look. "What happened?"

All Trico could respond with was a low whine. A glowing light shines on her arms, catching their attention. Once the glowing has stopped, all that was left was black markings. "What the heck?" Mason carried her inside and checked her for any other wounds. The markings then suddenly disappeared, revealing her normal S/c skin.

'Should I report this?'

He looked around and grabbed a pillow from a nearby chair. He placed Y/n on her side and placed the pillow on her side to keep her from tilting. Mason sighs. He still hasn't taken his eyes off of the marks that appeared on her. He then grabs his phone and dials. "Hello, Ms. L/n? Everything is fine. Y/n just had a concussion. Nothing serious I believe but...I think it's best if you come home....

Okay...See you soon."


Mason walked outside, Trico was watching Y/n through the window, whining at her to wake up. Mason dials another number on his phone. When he spoke, his voice sounded formal, unlike his personality.

"This is Mason Dorcertye. I've been told to report anything relating to the creature and the girl. A glowing light appeared on her neck, leaving some sort of glyph or marking. She received it once she was found unconscious next to the creature..."

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