💙Finding out💙

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(Not my art)

Your pov

I was walking home from school when I saw my mom's car in her parking spot. "Oh no..." i gulped and ran to my apartment. I unlocked the door and dropped my stuff. "Oh hey Y/n!" I turn and see my mom on the couch watching tv. "Mom! Your home early!" I said nervously. "Yeah, with the new job I don't have to work on Friday! Isn't that great!" She said happily. "Yay....Ok so I'm going in my room and I'll be back outside later." I walk away but mom stops me. "Sweetie, your always in your room. Why don't you spend some time with your mom?" I need an excuse. "Maybe later mom but I need to do my homework. Cooking class and math don't give me a break!" I said picking up my backpack. "Well ok then but once your done I want you out of that room." I nodded and waited for mom to turn her back so I can grab some meat.

I unlocked the door and found Trico on my bed with white eyes. "Aww, my poor Derkedur, I got you food no worries." I tossed him the pork and he ate it whole. His eyes turned back to their pitch black wonder. I sat next to him and petted his feathers. He rubbed his head against me while purring. I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing Trico as a full grown...Trico. He had his wings spreading through the sky with me on his back. "Look Trico, that'll be you soon and you'll be able to fly the whole sky." Trico barked excitedly...which was a bit too loud. "Y/n? What's going on?" I heard her footsteps coming closer. "Trico hide!" I tried pushing him off the bed but he wouldn't budge. "Y/n?" I kept pushing but he still wouldn't move. "Trico! Come on! She's going to see you!" I finally was able to push him off the bed but I was too late.

"Y/n? What happe-WHAT IS THAT?!?" Mom pointed at Trico who was on top of me. I stood up as quickly as possible and pushed Trico behind me. "Mom, I know your scared but please don't take him from me..."
"It looks dangerous!! What are you doing with that?" I looked at Trico and see him look scared. I leaned down and rubbed his head. "It's ok bubba, it's going to be ok just hold on." I glance at my mom and see her processing on what's going on. "Mom please..I can't leave him, he's still young. Don't take him from me, they can do horrible things to him just please let me handle him." I begged as she stared at Trico. She hesitated and sighed.

"What does he eat?" I looked at her with a big smile. "Meat, nothing else." Mom was a little surprised but then rubbed her nose bridge. "Your lucky that I got that job, I'll see if we can legally adopt him and make sure they approve." I was filled with relief and happiness. "Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!" I hugged my mom as Trico observed us. "So what's his name?" Me and Trico looked at each other and I knew he was happy. "His name is Trico."

~~~~Time skip to a month later~~~~still your pov~~~~

So far things have been going great. I legally adopted Trico!! I had some trouble though. Government got involved and wanted to take him from me but they couldn't take what's mine so as long as I keep him under control. Mom got used to him and Trico became very well trained. He's able to fly in the sky now. He can avoid planes and helicopters thankfully. He's growing faster than I predicted. He's going to be the size of a van! Anyway, besides my happy life, I have a crappy life. It's called school. Grades are still up and attendance is perfect but I still get picked on. R/n doesn't know about Trico but If they do then they won't be messing with me anymore. The apartment was going to be too small for Trico so we bought a house with a big backyard and near the park and school. So whatever is coming in the future for Trico, we're prepared!

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