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Your pov

The sun is up and it's bothering me. I pull my covers so I can block the sun and stay in bed longer. "uugghh just lemme be, nobody likes you, Sun!" I could hear Trico softly roaring outside my window. "In a minute hold on...." he kept crying. I take a peek outside my blanket and see Trico's white gleaming eyes...oh my glob this creature is going to kill me with his eyes...."fiiiiiiiinnneee". I got up lazily and walked outside my room. To my surprise I found Mason in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning! Nice bed hair ya got there!" He said chuckling and pointing at my hair. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my beanie that was hanging on my hat rack. Mason placed two plates of waffles and eggs in front of me and pulls my beanie off my head. "Hey! Give it back, I was wearing that!" "Nah you don't need it, you look cute like that." I wanted to talk back but I just zipped my mouth. He chuckled again. "Oh what now!?!" He started to laugh. "What? what's so funny?" I kept asking but he wouldn't stop laughing. I got up and try to leave but he pulled my shirt. He repeatedly told me to wait as he tried calming himself. He handed me the beanie and took a few breaths. "It's just you, your face was the reddest I've ever seen!" I glared at him as he started to laugh again. I grabbed a bucket of meat and left him laughing.

"Trico!! Come here I got your breakfast!!" I could see Trico's head peak from behind the house. I giggled and threw his food at him so he'd catch it. As soon as he was finished I scratched his ear and went inside to go get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and just stared at myself. "ew. Need to fix that." I hopped in the shower and stayed there for what was like half an hour. Once I got out I dried myself and slipped into my comfortable yet cute outfit. (Pick whatever outfit, your imagination. I'm not making you wear a picture of an outfit i found on google er something. You do you boo.) I stepped outside my room and see Mason drinking a Diet Pepsi but was looking at me. "What now? Am I still red enough to fill your stomach with giggles?" "No you just look nice." "Ok then" I grabbed my bag and walked to the door; Mason watching my every step. I turn around and gave him a face of confusion. "bye?..." "Bye." He mocked jokingly. I furrowed my eyes at him for a few seconds and left.

"Trico lets go!" Trico's loud steps are heard behind me. I prepare myself since we've been practicing this for a while but it always ended with me in pain. Trico scoops me up with his beak and shoots his body up to fly as I slide down his head to his back. I accidentally hit my elbow on his horns and my funny bone brought me a bit of pain. "Owowowow nooo not this agaaaiiinnn!" On one hand I hold on to Trico's fur, on the other I rub my elbow. Trico tries to turn his head but fails. He lets out a little roar of concern. "It's fine bubba, i just did it again but hey! We did better than last time!! I didn't fall off and crashed into a kid's birthday party." Trico lets out a chuckle growl. " Yeah yeah laugh all you want, I got free cake at least." 'Even though I landed on the cake' 

We flew towards the park and landed near the playground. Kids were running towards Trico with excitement. The parents smiled and I saw some new faces. 'I guess they invited their friends.' Kaleb hasn't came back yet but he recently told me he also had a sister. Kaleb couldn't wait for her to meet Trico. I sit down on the grass and smile at the kids playing with Trico. Trico swings some of them with his tail gently. You could hear them laughing from there to the end of the park. Trico opened his wings as wide as he could and all the kids stared at him in awe. The kids started petting his wings. They were really soft feathers. "Hey!!" All the kids looked up Trico's head and gasped. A little girl was on his head and was holding onto the horns. "I did it!!!" All the kids cheered and Trico let her down gently. I giggled at their excitement. "Adorable huh?"

I turned to look and see a guy who looks like the same age as me. He had chestnut brown hair and light brown eyes. He had a bit of freckles and was wearing a grey hoodie with black sneakers. "My name is Sam, nice to meet you." He sits down next to me holds out his hand for me shake. I extend my hand and shake his. "My name is Y/n. Are you new around here?" He nodded. "Yep, my family moved here about a week ago. The neighbors say that there is this girl who brings a giant creature to the park for the kids to play with. I didn't believe it but wow...it's right there." I smile at his astonishment. "Yeah, the kids love Trico." "Oh so it has a name? Nice." Sam stares at Trico and smiles.

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