💙Raising Trico💙

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(Not my art)

Your pov

I would always train Trico to behave every day after school. He would sleep in my closet where my family can't see him. When I go to school, I leave a bowl of meat in the closet and leave the closet open but my room locked. It's sad but it's the only way I can protect him. I knew my mom would eventually find out the disappearing meat in the freezer so I would sell my drawings for money so that I can buy my own meat. I got home from school so I walked into my apartment and unlocked my room. "Trico! I'm home!" He came running towards me and pounced on me. "Hey bubba, ready to fly?" He barked in excitement as I picked him up and covered him with my hoodie.

We needed a place where there is enough space for a flying dog bird that was half the size of a retriever. So that place was the last floor parking lot in the apartment. Nobody was here during the afternoon so we're good. I uncovered Trico and he looked around. He was cute when he saw his own reflection on someone's car. "Okay Trico, try flying on the roof." Trico looked at the roof of the apartments and flapped his wings. He lost his balance a bit but he made it. "Trico, you need to get used to flying so try again. Glide down here and go up again." He glided down swiftly and tried again. He spread his black feathery wings and flapped up there with ease. "Yeah Trico you did it!!" He barked happily and kept doing the same thing. I also taught him the basics of what a dog would know.

The sun was coming down and my mom could be back soon so we went back to the apartment and ate a quick meal before he goes back in my room. I'm kind of worried about him because he's growing fast. Before three months of school ending, he's going to be the size of a couch and he won't be able to fit in my closet anymore. I just hope he'll be ok. I heard the door click and told Trico to hide. I gave him a plate of food and closed my closet.

"Y/n I'm home." I walked towards the living room with a book in my hand. "Hey mom, how did your interview go?" "Oh it went great! I got the job so now I'll be able to get paid more and maybe buy you some meat for your cooking class." I smiled a little nervously. "That's great!" "So what did you do today?" I tenses up a bit but I showed my 'not suspicious face'. "I did my homework and such. Y'know, the usual." She smiled and turned on the tv. "I'm going to sleep early again. Good night." I say walking to my room as my mom laughs. "You always sleep early, so its basically your normal bedtime now. Good night sweetie." I smiled and walked in my room and locked it. Trico came out and purred beside me. I chuckled and hugged him. "Goodnight Trico. I'll always protect you." We both slowly fell asleep on my bed peacefully, unknown of what the future brings....

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