💙So much for a picnic....💙

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(Not my art)

Your pov

"Trico let's go!!" I waited outside for Trico to wake up from his nap on the grass next to my bedroom window. It's really cute that he looks out for me but I also need my privacy. Flashback to the time I had a toy cat and he grew jealous he ripped it apart.....I still love him though. Trico's small yet loud snores blew the grass blades back and forth. "Trico if you don't wake up, I'm going to eat all the chicken without you and you won't get any." Trico's eyes flashed open with a white glow. He stood up and stretched like a normal cat and shook his body to wake himself up. He's now the size of a normal school bus....Or a better description, as tall as the neck of an adult giraffe...yeah that's a better way of describing him.

He tried sniffing into the bag containing the snacks for the picnic, including the chicken. "Oh no you don't, you promised you'd be patient." Trico's eyes just stared at me with his eyes still glowing white. "Nope...not gonna happen..." he kept staring. I started getting a bit guilty....dang it he won...."fiiiiiiine... you can have a piece." His tail started wagging a bit fast. "Only a piece got it?" He just waited an opened his mouth, waiting for me to toss it in. I grabbed a piece of the chicken in the bag and tossed it high and a little too far from where he was going to catch it. He realized what I did and ran towards the piece of meat and caught it in a swift motion. He swallowed with his eyes shut and opened to reveal his normal black eyes but he just stared at me like he was disappointed. " oh come on, like you can do better. I'm not that good at making a challenge, besides I'm the one with fingers here."

I walked towards him and hopped on his back. Hooking the picnic bag on one of his horns for a better grip on him. I made little leather handle bars for me to hold on to him on his horns so I won't fall and plummet to my death. "Ready, bubba?" I cooed while petting his fur. He just let out a small happy meow bark? It's hard to describe. "Ok let's go!" His bottom rises up as his head lowers into position. He sprints off running and jumps in the air taking flight. We rise up to the clouds and I let go of my handle bars to touch them. They're like globs of mist. It's refreshing when you go through them.

"Trico, there's the park!" I pointed towards the park surrounded by a huge open grass area with kids running around the playground and parents hanging out on the benches. As we were getting closer, kids were pointing up at us as parents watched or called their children worriedly. We landed on the grass and I hopped off. "Good boy bubba.." I cooed, scratching behind his ear. He purred in response. I payed out the blanket and started setting up our picnic area when a group of awestrucked kids were running towards us with parents frantically trying to keep up. We were then suddenly surrounded by them and wanted to pet Trico. "He's like a big puppy!! Can we pet him? Please please please?!" I smiled and nodded.

All the kids ran towards Trico and petted him in all the places he loved. He wasn't bothered, the more love, the more happy he is. A little boy who caught up last came up to me and was very thrilled. "How do you have a Trico?! He looks like him from the last guardian!! I saw Jacksepticeye play the game and I didn't think he was real but he is! Is he your pet? How long have you had him? Can I ride on his back one day?!" "Whoah whoah kid slow down, one at a time." He giggled nervously and apologized. "I just found him in a cage on my way from school a couple months ago. I was as shocked as you because I also saw him on Jack's let's play. He's been my best friend ever since and maybe I'll let you have a ride once he's all charged up." The kid was very happy and headed towards Trico to pet him too. Most of the kids were sitting next to Trico and petting his feathers or fur. 'At least they're not climbing him like other children.'

As the boy was about to pet Trico's wing, a woman grabbed his arm and scolded him. "What are you doing?! This is clearly dangerous! This thing could've killed you!" "But Mom, it's Trico! The one from the game on YouTube, you know the last guardian?" The kid tried to leave his mom's grasp but she kept holding on to him. "Those stupid videos you watch with your dad? That's no excuse for you do endanger yourself like that! If anything happens to you, your going to get me in a lot of trouble, young man!" I walked towards the lady and tapped her shoulder. "Miss?" The lady looked towards me sharply with a death glare. I almost squeaked. "Mam, I assure you that Trico means no harm. He's just like a puppy but bigger. Your son can be near him." The lady removed her hand from her son but made him stand next to her.

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