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Joseph (Klaus) runs up to Elyse (Genevieve) in the graveyard to get his daughter back from the witches.

"Do you really want your daughter more than her?" Elyse (Genevieve) asks.

Elyse (Genevieve) grabs me by the hair and pulls me towards Joseph(Klaus) and his eyes widen in shock at the sight of me.

"L-Lilian?" Joseph asks in disbelief as he scans my bloody and burned body. "No, she's dead, this is an allusion. Nice try, Genevieve. I want my daughter back!"

"Oh, she's very much alive," Elyse smirks, tugging on my hard harder, I fake whimper. "And if you want her back, I'll hand her to you and you two can live happily. Just leave the baby. If not, I drive a Vervain coated stake through her heart."

"No, Klaus. Don't do it," I beg, trying to get out of Elyse's grip. "I'm not worth it, save your child. Let me die! You don't need me! Save your daughter!"

Joseph looks at the baby and me, but then looks me in the eye with tears in his eyes. "Goodbye, Lillian."

"And....cut!" the director yells and Elyse lets go of my hair.

"Are you okay?" Elyse asks, referring to when she yanked my hair. "Did I hurt you?"

I shake my head, "I'm fine, it didn't hurt. Nice work, I almost believed you were going to kill me."

"Thank you.....I think." Elyse looks behind me and her face lights up, "Persia!" She walls towards her and hugs her, "It's so good to see you!"

Persia looks at me and sends a death glare, I gulp. Joseph's fiance, Persia has hated me since the first time I stage kissed Joseph, maybe even before that. She has threatened to ruin my career, make up fake rumors if I have a have even the smallest amount of feelings for Joseph.

Luckily, I'm an actress.

Persia walks up to me and gives me a fake smile, "Hi, Reese. How are you?"

"U-Um, I'm g-good. Glad to be b-back," I stammer, avoimfing her intense gaze.

"Joseph went into his trailer, could you come with me to get him?" Persia asks, trying to look innocent and kind in front of the other cast and crew members.

I nod, "A-Alright, sure. I don't have to get out of this make up and outfit yet, I have another scene to do in a bit." Persia puts her hand on my back and leads me the opposite way to Joseph's trailer, "Are you sure you know where you're--OW!"

Persia shoves me against a wall, "What did I tell you last time you were on this set?"

"Persia, can't we just put this all behind us? Why do you hate me so much?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"You think I don't know what you're doing? Every time you're with my Joseph, you're so happy and flirty. He is mine, not yours," Persia states as she opens the closet where the doubles get their matching outfits. "Maybe this will shut you up while I'm here."

Persia pushes me into the closet, slams the door, and I hear the door click, indicating the door is locked.

"Persia, please let me out," I beg in a panicked voice. "Please! I have a scene to film! I'm begging you. I'm claustrophobic." My heart starts racing, my breath gets faster, I start feeling really dizzy. I lean on one of the walls and slide down, holding my legs for dear life. "I can't b-breathe."


After long two hours, the door swings open, "Reese?" I let out a sob as the person who found me, puts their arms around me. "Who did this to you, love?"

Now I know it's Joseph, I can't tell him the love of his life is so cruel to me.

"I-I don't know, someone just shoved m-me in here and locked the door," I whimper as he picks me up bridal style.

Everyone runs up to me, "Are you alright?" they all ask me.

"What's going on?" Persia asks as she walks up to me and Joseph.

"I was walking past the doubles costume closet, looking for Reese because no one could find her and she had a scene to do. When I walked past the closet, I hear whimpering, I opened the closet, to see Reese lying on the floor, crying," Joseph explains to his bitch of a fiance

"Oh, poor Reese," Persia coos, petting my hair. She turns to Joseph, "Luckily you were there to save her."

I wrap my arms around Joseph's neck, "Yeah, thank you."

I look back at Persia and you can tell she's having a hissy fit in her head, never letting myself be alone with her again.


What do you think of the book so far? Let me know in the comments! See you next time!

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