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Previously on Loving A Co-star...

"Hey, darling, I'm sorry for our head butting earlier. Please call me back, I love you," I say to her voicemail before hanging up and get a pat in the back from my friend.

"You did good, all you have to do is wait. But while we wait, let's meet up with the guys and get something to eat."



"It was nice hanging out with you lot," I state, waving goodbye to Ian, Paul, Daniel, Charles, and Matt. 

"You better be calling Reese when you get back home!" Ian shouts to me and a nervous smile appears on my face.

I nod to my friend, "I will!"

Walking to my car, ready to call Reese back to apologize again, but someone blocks me from my path. Can you guess who it is?

"You have some nerve coming to see me," I spit at her, my mood dropping as soon as my eyes land on her, but her face shows no reaction to my statement.

"That just shows how dedicated I am to us," Persia states, smiling up to me, making my eyes furrow in confusion.

"Can I help you, Persia?" I ask bitterly, crossing my arms and glaring down at my ex.

Persia smirks at me and nods, "You can help me greatly."

Bored with her vague answer, I begin to walk to my car again. After I seat belt myself to the car, suddenly, my passenger seat opens and Persia enter.

"What the he--" Persia grabs my face and forces her lips upon mine, as soon as her lips make contact with mine, I push away. "Get the hell out of my car, now."

Persia's face was glowing, "Of course, I've already gotten what I wanted." Persia places her hand on my cheek, making me flinch away, "Just you wait sweetheart."


Running into my house after speeding towards it at almost full speed, I open my house door and dial Reese's number as fast as my fingers can type. "Come on. Come on. Come on, pick up, darling."

After three rings, I hear Reese's angelic voice, but this time, it sounds broken. She sniffles, "Please don't tell it's not true, Joseph."

My eyes widen in fear, "What have you heard?"

Reese lets out a quiet sob, breaking my heart into pieces, "Last time, I let my emotions cloud my judgement and I didn't give you a chance to explain. So know, I'm not doing that. I'm gonna ask you again, is it true? Did you cheat on me with Persia?"

I shake my head, fearful to what the future holds for Reese and I, "No. No, I didn't. She came onto me, I swear."

"Then why was she in your car?" Reese asks, my heart racing faster and faster by the word. "I've been telling myself there's some logical reason to why she was there, but I don't know if there is one."

"Darling, she came onto me, she went into my car after I hung out with Ian and the others," I explain, listening to dead silence on the other line. "I would never do that to you, you have to believe me."


Silence is all I can here from Reese, not a word, not even her breathing. As if she's not even there, but god, I hope she is.

"Love?" I call, trying to get her to speak. "Reese, I love you more than anything in the world. Just the thought of you leaving me is heartbreaking because I cant live without you. I'm so sorry for the fights, the long distance, the fact I can't run to you and kiss you, telling you that I love you a thousand times over and over. You're my everything, I truly hope you know that and know I asked to marry me because you are the love of my life, you're kind, loving, affectionate, down to earth, and my best friend. Reese. Please say something."

More silence.

A tear rolling down my cheek, I take my phone away from my ear and I go to end the call. How am I gonna make this one up to her?

"I believe you."



guys...69 ;)

anyways, ahhh! I'm sorry I kept you waiting, I had exams and major writers block, but I'm back and here to announce that very very soon...this book will over. I know! I'm sad to :((((

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys soon.

Loving A Co-star || Joseph Morgan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now