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I hope you really you really the truth in this video. Thank you for all of your support!


The Video:

"Hi everyone," I wave at the camera in a 'HARVARD' sweatshirt and sweat pants, with my eyes all red and puffy. "I know I don't normally do this, but I felt like I had to be honest with not only my fans, but the people I care about. I'm just going to say it, for the past week I haven't been eating." A tear rolls down my face, I sniff, and wipe the tear away, "At first, I thought it was just a diet thing, skip a few meals and go to the gym, and I'll lose some weight. I ended up doing more harm than good." I wipe more tears off of my face, "I started skipping any meal, which meant I blew off my friends. I bought weight loss pills, and had them more than what it said to take. I was so hell bent on losing weight to impress you guys, I didn't think of what it would do for my body, how i would act with my friends and family. Some of you may know that there has been a lot of finger pointing on who's fault it was for Joseph and Persia's break up, most of the fingers pointed at me. And, for private reasons, I am not going to get into that, it's none of mine or your business. But because of a lot of, people saying I was fat, I just wanted to be accepted." I let out a sob and I look at my hands on my lap, "When my friends found out what I was doing, they knew I needed help. Now, my friends are with me for every meal, making sure I eat a good amount of food and I can't thank them enough for doing this for me. And I hope that I can be accepted as a human being by you. Bye, guys."


I don't know about you guys, but I started tearing up a bit. I really hope Reese gets better.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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