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"Do you want anything? Tea? Biscuits?" Joseph questions, trying to be nice and get some stuff for me while I'm on bed rest.

"I'm fine," I express, trying to not let my uncomfortableness get the best of me. "Now, go to your shoot, I'll call Candice if I need anything."

"I don't want to be away from you when you're so far along," Joseph explains, intertwining our hands.

"The place is like thirty minutes away, I think you'll be fine," I state, rubbing my extremely swollen stomach.

Joseph lets out a sigh of defeat, "Alright, but I'll call you every hour, on the hour until I come back."

I nod, mocking his accent, "Alright, until then."

"Bye, love," Joseph mutters before pressing his lips onto my forehead. "Don't miss me too much."

I roll my eyes, "I won't, go! You're gonna be late."

"I'm going, I'm going!" Joseph exclaims in a playful voice as he leaves my bedroom.

"Joseph!" I scream, pretending to be in pain. "My water just broke!"

"What?!" Joseph asks, sprinting into my room with worry painted all over his face and trips on the rug, making him fall on his side.

I burst into fits of laughter, "I...I...I got you so...good!"

"It's not funny," Joseph pouts. "I thought you were going into labor!"

"Oh...honey, you clearly don't know what it sounds like to be going into labor. There would be more curse words," I explain, making Joseph let out a laugh.

"Goodbye for real," Joseph says, giving me a wave and picking up his bag that he threw on the floor just a few moments ago.

"Bye," I wave back, taking a spoonful of Rocky Road and shoving it into my mouth.


"Is it...a king of hearts?" Candice asks, trying to guess what card I have to prove she's a magician to pass the time while Joseph is at his photoshoot.

I shake my head and give her my card, "Two of spades."

"Dammit," Candice exhales. "I'm gonna get it, I know it."

"Well, as you prepare yourself to fail again, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. These babies just love to squish my bladder," I state, getting up from my bed and head to my connecting bathroom.

"I'm gonna get it!" Candice yells through the bathroom door.

I let out a chuckle at my friend before I feel a liquid trickling down my leg and I mumble, "Crap, couldn't have waited for me to get to the toilet?"

Before I can say anything, extreme pain occurs, letting me know that I did not piss my pants. "Candice!" I yell, holding my stomach. "Candice!"

"Yeah?" Candice says through the door.

"I-I think--holy mother fucker--nope, I know I'm going into labor!" I shout, trying my best to breathe in and out.

"Oh, my god!" Candice exclaims, opening the bathroom, placing my arm over her shoulder and leading me to my bed. "Where's your hospital bag?"

"Closet," I breathe out as the contraction continues, but then abruptly stops. "That's what a contraction feels like? I'm not looking forward to actually giving birth."

"Ian, hi," Candice greets Ian on the phone in a panic. "How fast can you get to Reese's house? She's going into labor and Joseph took the car and I took an uber. Great, hurry." Candice hangs up, "Reese, Ian and Paul are on their way, I'm gonna go call--"

Loving A Co-star || Joseph Morgan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now