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Leader of the PENIS SQUAD:


Reese is it true???

I'm so confused

King Charles:
We gotta know

Thrusty Pipes:
Since when do you pay attention to the groupchat?

And is it true???

My Jomo❤:
What's going on?


For people who are confused

Oh I heard about this

Reese Taylor:
How did this get out???

My Jomo❤:
So it's true?

And you didn't bother discussing this with me?

Reese Taylor:

I was gonna turn the offer down

I was just told about the AUDITION yesterday

you can't turn it down

this'll be so good for your career


Reese Taylor:Even if I wanted to

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Reese Taylor:
Even if I wanted to

I can't leave the babies

Bonnie the teenage witch:

My Jomo❤:
Can I talk to you in private?

Leader of the PENIS SQUAD:

Leader of the PENIS SQUAD:

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"Reese, love," Joseph calls from the living room while I pace around our room and the babies take their nap in the nursery. "Reese," Joseph says again while opening the bedroom door.

I turn around to face him, "Look, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about the movie offer. I just thought it didn't matter since I was gonna turn it down because I can't leave the babies or you. And even if I got the role, I still have the Originals and filming mixes with press tour and--"

Joseph places a hand over my mouth, "I think you should audition."

"What?" I muffle through his hand with furrowed eyebrows.

"This movie could be a great opportunity for you," Joseph explains, taking his hand off of my mouth.

"I know, but--"

"How badly do you want this job?" Joseph asks, cutting me off.

"That doesn't matter--"

"How badly?" Joseph repeats, determined to get my answer.

"Really badly," I answer honestly. "But they're gonna film in Vancouver, there's no point in auditioning because it's far away from the kids, plus I would miss your birthday."

"How about we make a deal?" Joseph suggest and I nod. "If you get the role, which I have utter faith that you will, the babies and I will stay in Vancouver for...two weeks and try to visit as often as I can and you give this audition your all. Deal? And plus," Joseph intertwines our fingers, "we are gonna spend many more birthdays together."

A smile spreads across my face, "Why are you so cheesy?" I think about my options and come up with a final answer, "Okay, I'll audition, and we'll see from there."

Joseph grins, "Good, you're gonna nail it."

Please may I get this part.

Loving A Co-star || Joseph Morgan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now