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Jomo's Point Of View

It's been a week since Reese and I have spoken and it's been killling me, knowing I hurt her. But, today I get to see her again because filming is today which means she can't avoid me this time.

"Julie, hey," I greet out producer.

"Hi, Joseph," Julie greets a tad bitterly. "Anything you need?"

"Well, I was wondering what time Reese and I are are doing out scene," I explain, hoping it's soon.

"Oh, you didn't read the new script?" Julie asks, almost amused.

"We wrote Reese off for a few days, she'll be doing some tvd episodes this week," Julie informs and the smile on my face drops. "Yeah, she pitched the idea to me about a week ago. I, of course, couldn't say no to a family reunion."

I nod, moppily, "Sure...I should get to hair and make up."

Great, another week of her avoiding me...just fantastic.


"Hey, man," Charles greets with a big smile as we walk towards our trailers.

"Hi," I mumble, not in the mood to talk.

"You alright?" Charles asks, looking a bit confused.

"It's nothing," I mutter, looking down at the pavement.

"If it's nothing, why is everyone telling me I should be mad at you?"

"Reese and Persia drama," I answer, trying not to get into details.

"Ah," Charles sighs with a nod of understanding as he walks up to his trailer and pats me on the back. "Hope that goes well."

Me too.


"How's Reese doing?" Daniel asks Phoebe at craft service, unaware that I was just about to enter before eavesdropping.

"She's holding up, everyone on the Vampire Diaries are so excited to have her back, especially Candice," Phoebe answers.

"I'm probably gonna go visit her at Candice's after filming," Danielle states in a worried tone.

So she's staying at Candice's house, no wonder no one was answering her door.

"Has she spoken to Joseph at all?" Daniel Sharman asks. "I've been to scared to ask her and since I don't know her that well since I just got casted."

"Last I heard,  Reese blocked him, don't blame her," Leah answers. "You think there's still hope for them to get back together?"

"I don't kn--" Danielle gets interrupted.

I walk into the room and everyone goes silent, "Well I certainly hope so. Then again, you guys apparently know her better than I do at this moment."

"I'm not gonna have this conversation," Phoebe declares walking out of the room, but before she leaves.

"Well....this got awkward real quick," Riley mumbles, drinking her coffee and not looking me in the eye.

"So this is how it's gonna be now?" I ask, feeling slightly betrayed. "I walk into the room and someone storms off or avoids my eye contact like all of you are doing at this very moment?"

"What do you want us to do?" Leah snaps. "Welcome you with open arms and say 'it's okay, you hurting one of our friends is okay'? Well it's not okay, Reese shouldn't be put in this situation, especially when she's pregnant with your kids might I add. Maybe instead of eavesdropping on us and our concern for your girlfriend, you grow a pair and see how she's doing."

With that, everyone walks out of the room, leaving me alone and me regretting everything.


Wow! I am on a roll! Hope you guys like this chapter!

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