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I storm into Reese's house, knowing she went home after filming, and I slam the door open. Reese jumps, making her drop the book she's reading.

Reese walks up to me with a confused face, "Joseph, what are you doing here? I thought you were going out with everyone else."

"How many times are you going to keep lying to me, to the people you call family?" I ask, hurt clear in my voice. "Why don't you trust us? I thought we were a lot closer than that."

"What are you talking about?" Reese asks, pretending like she has no idea what I'm referring to. "Joseph, you're not making any sense. What's wrong? Why do you look so angry?"

"Why haven't you been eating?" Reese flinches at the question, she says nothing, and her eyes are full of shame. "You blew off going out to eat with any of us, you're always at the gym, and are always tired and snippy. What's your excuse for that, Reese? Huh?"

"Joseph, please--"

"No, I want a solid answer," I demand, waiting for her to tell me the truth. "I need the truth from you, stop hiding things from me."

"On social media, everyone has something awful to say about me," Reese confesses and a tear goes down her right cheek. "'Oh, she's so fat'. 'Why is she on a magazine?'. And at first, I just ignored it. I thought, 'Why should I let this get to me?'" Reese lets out a sob, making my heart break, but I stay silent, waiting for her to finish. "But, then Persia started turning so many people against me and I couldn't take it. I thought, if I didn't eat much and I exercised, I would lose weight a lot faster. Maybe then, maybe I wouldn't be so hated. Maybe I would be accepted and not have punches thrown at me left and right. I would be...normal."

I engulf Reese into a hug as she starts crying harder, "You don't deserve how people treat you. You are beautiful, caring, and an amazing person. If people can't see that, they're huge dicks. Don't let them tear you down, don't let them affect you."

"Thank you," Reese mumbles into my chest.

I release our loving embrace and look her in her gorgeous, ocean blue eyes, "You don't need to thank me for telling the truth."

"Still, it means a lot, especially when it comes from you, Joseph," Reese confesses, pink tint appearing on her cheeks.

There is silence for a good thirty seconds, just us staring deep into each other's eyes, and then my eyes look at down at Reese's, pink, plump lips. Before I know it, Reese and I start leaning in.

Our lips brush against each other, waiting for one of us to make a move.

Screw it, I think to myself before crashing my lips onto Reese's, hungrily.

Reese immediately kisses back with lust and her hands tangle into my hair. I wrap my arms around her torso and ask for entrance with my tongue grazing her lips. Her mouth opens and our tongues dance together in perfect sync. I lift Reese up and her legs go around my waist as I walk towards her room, trying not to fall.

I gently place Reese on her bed, as she kisses my neck. Before anything else happens, I look deep into her eyes, "Are you sure about this?"

Reese nods, "I'm sure."

With that, our clothes were thrown to the floor, soon to be forgotten, and the night was full of lust and passion.


It's getting a little steamy in here! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's really early into the book, but trust me, you'll find out why I put it here.

Loving A Co-star || Joseph Morgan [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now