Chapter 22

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Liam's POV

I couldn't sleep with the text message Danielle had sent me last night.I was with Harry when she sent it asking me to meet her at her hotel, of course I wasn't going to meet her at her hotel it was disrespectful towards my girlfriend and my kids.I asked her to meet me at the restaurant close to her hotel so we could talk like she wanted to.I asked Harry to take Devon out for breakfast while I took care of this.I showered, got dressed and left to meet Danielle.I got to the restaurant 30 minutes early than so I could eat and then just leave after Danielle told me what ever she had to tell me.I waited for my food to arrive, while waiting Devon sent me a text.


Liam I just want to let you know Im having breakfast with Harry, hope you don't mind.Where did you go so early?Xx


Hey princess, I don't mine you going out with Harry for breakfast I told him to take you out to breakfast.I had some stuff to do princess, Im sorry I didn't tell you anything but I didn't want to wake you up.I love your princess.Xx

I set my phone when I saw my food arrived.I got to it and ate all my food.I was soon done with all my food.I waited 10 more minutes for Danielle till she finally arrived.She walked in the restaurant looking around to find me,she saw me and smiled she walked over to me and sat in front of me.I looked at her not saying a word.

"I thought you wouldn't come."She said placing her hand on mine, I took my hand back.

"Well Im here so can you please tell me what im here for?"I sounded rude but I wanted to hurry up and get out of here.

"Liam I still love you, it hurts not to have you with me.I wish I could take back what I did but please just give me a chance"I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Danielle I have to go Im sorry."I couldn't sit here and listen to this anymore.I got up from my chair and headed to the register to pay and just leave.I felt Danielle grab my hand and turn me around, she smashed her lips on me.I didn't mean for the kiss to last longer or to kiss her back but I did I eventually broke the kiss and left.I rushed out the restaurant to my car.

I stopped at a light distracted by what ha happened a couple of minutes ago, my phone ringed scaring me.I picked it up the caller I.D read Devon<3. I ignored the call and threw my phone at the passengers door causing my phone to break.

Harry's POV

I brought Devon to her favour place to have breakfast.I always brought her here for breakfast or when she just wanted to come.Her craving kicked in so early she woke me up and dragged me up here.I didn't mind I wish things would be like this,I could bring her here hold her while we can in together just relive those moments when I had her.

"Hello Harry!"She waved her hand in my face waking me up from my day dream.

"Mhm yea?"I blinked a couple of times to refocus on where I was.

"I was telling you Im going to the girls room baby kicked my bladder."She giggled and quickly got up and jogged to the bathroom.I looked as she got up to walk away and I couldn't believe our twins are almost going to be here.Devon turns 8 months in two days and then we have a month left to finally have our babies with us.

I picked up my phone to look at some of the fans tweets and just check some of the gossip.As I scrolled down a picture caught my attention.It was a picture of Liam and Danielle kissing.My mouth fell open,I noticed Devon standing in front of me just looking at me.

"Is everything okay Harry?"Devon asked.

"Uh yea yea everything is fine."There was no way on earth I was going to convince Devon nothing was wrong.She knew me really well and she knew when something was wrong with me.

"Harry I know something is wrong I know you very well.Tell me whats wrong."What am I suppose to say now I was so lost on my thoughts Devon snatched my phone off my hand.Luckily my phone had a code but I keep forgetting to change it to something else so she knows it.

Devon's eyes became watery and tears were running down her face.She threw my phone at me and I catch it in my hands.

"Devon wait."I grabbed her by her shoulder trying to stop her.

"No Harry stop I want to be alone okay!I'll take a cab home!"She turned away and walked out the breakfast lounge.

Devon's POV

I came back from the bathroom and noticed Harry tensed up.I knew something was up, he knew he could pass by with it but I knew something was wrong with him.

"Is everything okay Harry?"I asked him.

"Uh yea yea everything is fine."Yea okay Harry Im dumb tell me nothing is wrong.

"Harry I know something is wrong I know you very well.Tell me whats wrong."He really did try to play it off but I wasn't going to quit insisting.I noticed Harry's phone and snatched it from.I couldn't believe my eyes.A picture of Liam and this Danielle girl kissing.He said he had some stuff to do, and this is what he had to do go around to seeing his ex.I couldn't take it, it wasn't Harry's fault and I knew why he didn't want to show me this because he knew how I was going to react but I kept insisting.

"Devon wait."I felt Harry grab me by my shoulder trying to stop me.

"No Harry stop I want to be alone okay!I'll take a cab home!"I turned away and walked out the breakfast lounge.

It was pouring rain outside I didn't care I just wanted to get out of here.A cab pulled up the curb I got in and told the driver to take me home.I pulled out my phone to call Liam I don't know why I did it but I wanted to hear him say he was sorry and that he didn't kiss her but that she did.The phone rang and rang it went to voice mail after a couple of rings.The cab finally made it to my house.Liam's car was there and the last thing I wanted to do was see his face.I walked in and noticed him sitting on the couch, he noticed me walking in and he got up from the couch.

"Get away!Don't touch me."I backed away from him leaving a space between us.

"No Devon please listen.It wasn't my fault I promise you have to believe me, I didn't kiss her she threw herself to me."I wanted to believe him but I couldn't he was there and he he lied about doing other stuff when in reality he wasn't.

"Liam just stop please I want to believe you but you lied from the begging saying your going to do some stuff when in reality you were going to see her, and Harry knew it too!"I practically screaming by this point.I was so aggravated with him and Harry.

"Devon he didn't know I only told him to take you out to breakfast but he didn't know anything,he wouldn't have let me go if he known where and who I was going with."He had a point about Harry but I couldn't forgive Liam easily.

"Liam just get out please I need time to think."I sat at the couch with my hands my face.I felt Liam come close, I didn't remove my hands from my face I didn't want him to see me like this.He planted a kiss on my head and I felt him leave my side.I heard the door click open and then being shut.I removed my hands from my face and broke down into more tears.I leaned back and felt the babies kick, I hugged myself to feel a little better.I got up from the couch and walked upstairs I went into Cara's room and sat on the rocking chair rocking myself back and forth.I felt my eyes grow heavy, I closed my eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.


I hope you guys like this chapter.Please let me know what you think.Please Comment and Vote!(:


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