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"Julie! Wake up!" Mr. Porter yelled. "S-

Sorry." I stuttered. "Speak up Julie it's

not like Niall can't hear you." Kristina

spat. She snickered as I tried to pay

attention in history. I sighed as I

looked over to Niall's empty seat. I

remember him making cute faces at me

and making spit balls which then then

class got into and started a spit ball

war. Those were the days. "Class

dismissed!" Mr. Porter said quickly and

left the room. Once everyone left I was

alone. I went over and sat in Niall's

seat. It felt so empty here without him.

Class wouldn't be the same. I longed to

hug him and make faces at each other.

Even at home, we would send each

other Snapchats of our stupid faces.

"Julianne?" I looked up from the seat I

was sitting in and found my friend

Emily. She was always there for me.

"Julie what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong

it's just th-" I stopped as soon as I

heard my voice cracking. I was too

upset to continue. "Julianne." Emily

whispered as she approached me.

"Emily I don't think I can go on without

him." My voice cracked. I traced out

something that was written on the

desk. But it wasn't just anything. It had

said 'I'm going to be a singer' And he

could've been a singer. He had an

amazing voice. His voice was so

amazing I bet angels would come down

from Heaven to hear him. "Julie I'm so

sorry." Emily said as she sat next to me.

"I can't be here." I spoke quickly and

grabbed my bag to leave. "Wait! Julie!"

I heard Emily call for me but I ignored

it. I ran for the exit and went to the bus

stop. I felt like this would be a burden

on my shoulders forever. The universe

hated me for the death of Niall and I

had to accept it. The bus came and I got

on taking a seat looking out the

window. How could something that

meant everything to you be gone in a

flash? I thought. The bus stopped at a

red light and I saw him out side. He

was sad. He had tears streaming down

his face. I never saw him cry before and

seeing this just broke me into a million

pieces. All good things come to an end,

but he is one thing that I thought

would never end.


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