Moving On

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Julie's POV

After leaving Maine and moving for Australia, Niall and I haven't spoken and to be honest I enjoyed it. Ever since I've stepped foot on Australia, I felt like my new life couldn't be exciting. "Are you Madison Conrad?" A young man asked me. He looked like he could be a model. He was around my age or older. His eyes were an amazing shade of hazel or green and his smile made me warm inside. "Umm miss?" he asked again. "Oh yea that's me! But. Call me Maddie." I forgot that I had changed my name. "Well Maddie welcome to Australia. I'm Ashton. I'm your neighbor." He smiled again and I felt too happy now. "Shall we get going or do you want to rest and get something to eat?" "I can go for some coffee." "Alrighty then. To Starbucks we go." He bent down to pick up my suitcases to put on the cart. I couldn't help but to look at his rear end. "Like what you see?" He chuckled. I blush a deep shade of red and we walk to the car. As he opened the door for me to get in, it reminded me of when Niall had done the same thing the day I left the hospital. The day he had lied to me.

No. Julie stop that. It's time to move on. I shook my head slightly and tried to forget about the feeling. I'm starting a new life.

And that life begins now.

Niall's POV

It's been at the most 3 weeks since I heard from Julie. She's moved to the land of the Aussies by now and I'm here with a wedding ring that was supposed to be on her finger. Olivia moved to Italy to be with her family and her sister came back to the house to curse me out. But I can't keep holding on to something I don't have. So I had move on with my life. But there are some days where I feel like I should be dead after everything I've caused to Julie. I've loved her more than anything and I had to "die" and make everything worse.

But like I said before,

I have to move on.

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