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Niall's POV

If I had a dime for every time I screwed

something up or made a mistake, I

wouldn't be here right now. Olivia had

to come back and ruin everything. But

then again it's my fault. "You left me

for her?" Olivia cries. "You left me for

that bitch!" "Watch your language. If

anything I made a mistake. I thought I

could get over Julianne by meeting

someone else. But I couldn't. I've

always loved her and I'm going to

marry her." I say getting into my car

driving after Julianne. I truly regret

everything, starting with faking my

death. I started up the car and drove

away from Liv. She is the least of my

problems now. I drove until I found

myself in a small town, I spotted Julie

from a few feet away and found a

parking spot near the corner store she

walked into. Once she walked out I

knew I had to get her back. Once she

walked out, I knew that this was my

chance to get back what I lost.

Julie's POV

I can't keep letting myself fall for him.

Everything he's done so far to "protect"

himself were all lies. And the funny

thing is that I still love him. Niall has

had an impact on me and I've been

changed. But what he did to Olivia,

isn't the Niall I know would do. After

running for a while I stopped and went

inside a corner store and bought a

water bottle and some Oreos. "Are you

ok miss?" "Yea, I mean no." I say

paying for the items. "Well whatever

the situation is, I know you'll

get through it." The man smiled as I

grabbed the bag and walked out.

"Julianne!" I looked up and saw Niall

and I started running again. "Baby

please stop running from me! I'm

sorry!" "For what part Niall!?" I say

stopping and facing him. "Everything. I

swear I regret everything. I don't want

Olivia I want you. I thought I could get

over you by meeting someone else,

but," He paused before taking his

hands in mine. "I can't stop thinking

about you. When I found you on your

floor bleeding out, I thought I lost you

and this time, I would really be dead.

Julianne I love you. I really do." I

wanted to say something but I couldn't.

"Please say something." I looked into

his eyes and said, "I regret everything

too. Like the day I let myself fall for

you." I withdrew my hands from him

and walked away.

And later on, I'm gonna regret this too.

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