Gon Freecs

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After a few minutes of walking, I had to go to the bathroom. I felt it. Oh crap! Killua was obviously clueless to why I was jumping up and down all of a sudden and when I told him it was an emergency he sighed.

"Get on." He orders with a frown, crouching with his back facing me. I was too impatient to complain and did as I was told. He then used something called Godspeed to take us to the nearest gas station in an instant. It was amazing, the way the air hit my face as we seemed to fly.

I was now washing my hands in releif with Killua buying chocolate inside the store. When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed someone staring at me but couldn't tell who it was since they had sunglasses covering their eyes. Their hair was pink-ish and they seemed to wear colorfully bright clothes. From what I could tell, it was a man.

He grinned when he realized I had spotted him, still not releasing his gaze on me. I cautiously walked to where Killua was kicking the life out of a vending machine.

"What is wrong with you! What are you doing?" I shreak as a few more bags of chips fall.

"What does it look like?" He says back, all his attention focused on the machine. I glare at him and when I look back at the creepy stalker man, he's gone.


We turn around to find a small doll-like blonde girl with ponytails holding her long locks. She looks between me and killua.

"Old hag?" Immediately, he earns a very deserved punch, sending him across the room.

"Hhmph, you haven't changed a bit, have you?" She says, looking back at me.

"Hello Ruby!"


She covers her mouth, "Oops, I have a tendency of naming people jewls. It's really getting out of hand!" She flaps her hand cheerfully. "What is your real name?"

"Y/N. Nice to meet you?" My answer ends up sounding like a question.

She giggles strangley. "So, do you like that idiot over there?" She gestures toward Killua who is staring daggers at her and honestly, I don't know why she isn't running for the hills.

"S-seriously?!" I choke at the thought of him- and me- and AURGH.

"No! I mean, we barely met and even if we knew each other... He.... Is...."

"Sexy? I know." I hear Killua say behind me with a smirk.

'I sense some serious chemistry...' Bisky thinks to herself. 'Just not enough pressure.'

"What have you been up to, Killua?"

"Why do you care, Bisky?" He replies.

Bisky seems to keep her cool, straightening her long pink dress, "Where's Gon?"

I feel Killua tense up, his hair seemingly larger, like that of a cat's when it's afraid or feels threatened.

Gon? That name sounds familiar.... Gon. I cletch my fist in fury.

Gon Freecs. My f-fiancè.

"You don't mean Gon F-"

"Get lost, Bisky." He says in an icy tone, his eyes turning darker.

I touch his shoulder, "Killua, calm down."

But he shakes me off. "I didn't just mean it for Bisky, it was for you too idiot."

I try to keep my posture steady and simply back away, raising my hands like a criminal caught red handed.

"Fine. It's not like I wanted to come here in the first place. Nice meeting you, douchebag." I say, starting to walk away. I don't have my bag or clothes or even a posible location to where I'm going. But I'll solve that later, right now I just have to walk out of that door and-

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